
Locally produced content for the trade and academic market

The African Branch of Cambridge University Press has published the following Southern African Trade and Academic titles.



Whales and Dolphins of the Southern African Subregion

Whales and Dolphins of the Southern African Subregion

Peter B. Best
University of Pretoria

With contributions by Isabelle Ansorge
University of Cape Town

Johann Lutjeharms
University of Cape Town

William Perrin

This book is the first stand-alone and definitive account of the cetaceans of the oceanic region from the equator to Antarctica, and between the longitudes of 20° W and 80° E - a region that includes almost two-thirds of the world's marine cetacean species. In the fascinating accounts of 51 species of whales and dolphins (and one porpoise), information for this region is comprehensively summarised, allowing Peter Best to give us the benefit of his extensive knowledge and of the wealth of unpublished information he has accumulated during his 40 years of studying these creatures. Approximately 100 illustrations have been created in colour for this book by world-renowned marine mammal illustrator Pieter Folkens. Colour photographs of the living animal portray the 'jizz' of each species and specific coloration or behavioural features.

Paperback - 9780521897105


General Titles

The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion

The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion

This third, extensively revised edition of The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion contains detailed descriptions of all mammals that occur naturally on the African mainland south of the Cunene and Zambezi rivers, together with all mammals indigenous to the subregion's coastal waters. The rapid accumulation of new information resulting from mammal research in southern Africa, together with radical taxonomic changes across all levels of mammalian classification, have necessitated this new edition, which presents the best and latest data accurately in one comprehensive volume for use not only by scientists but also readers with an interest in the natural history of southern Africa. This freshly designed edition includes updated and redrawn maps and illustrations of mammal prints as well as several new colour plates.

Paperback - 9780521844185

An Economic History of South Africa

An Economic History of South Africa

This book is the first economic history of South Africa in over 60 years. Professor Charles H. Feinstein offers an authoritative survey of 500 years of South African economic history from the years preceding European settlements in 1652 through to the post-apartheid era. He charts the early phase of slow growth, and then the transformation of the economy as a result of the discovery of diamonds and gold in the 1870s, followed by the rapid rise of industry in the wartime years. The final chapters cover the introduction of apartheid after 1948, and its consequences for economic performance. This book is essential reading for students in economics, African history, imperial history and politics.

Paperback - 9780521616416

HIV/AIDS in South Africa

HIV/AIDS in South Africa

This definitive text, written by a highly-respected team of southern African HIV experts, covers all aspects of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa, from basic science to medicine, sociology, economics and politics. The book begins with describing the evolving epidemic, and captures its nature in one of the worst affected parts of the world. A section on the science of the virus, covering its structure and its diagnosis follows. HIV risk factors and prevention strategies, focal population groups and the impact of AIDS in all aspects of South African life are explored. The final sections look at the treatment of HIV and AIDS, the politics of HIV/AIDS treatment, mathematical modelling to extrapolate the potential impact of treatment and finally, a discussion on the future of HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Paperback - 9780521616294

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Cambridge Africa Collection

Africa since 1940

Africa since 1940

This new book on the history of decolonisation and independence in Africa deals with the historical process out of which Africa's current position in the world has emerged. It reshapes our analysis of the last 60 years of African history and moves away from even-centred approaches and shallow left-right analysis.

Paperback - 9780521533072

African Archaeology

African Archaeology

Research in Africa is now accepted as an integral part of global archaeological studies. As well as providing archaeologists with the oldest material, Africa is also widely recognised as the birthplace of modern man and his characteristic cultural patterns. Archaeological study of later periods provides unique and valuable evidence for the development of African culture and society, while ongoing research in Africa provides insights relevant to the interpretation of the archaeological record in other parts of the world. In his fully revised and expanded edition of a seminal archaeological survey, David Phillipson presents a lucid and fully-illustrated account of African archaeology from prehistory and the origins of humanity to the age of European colonisation. The work spans the entire continent from the Mediterranean to the Cape of Good Hope and demonstrates the relevance of archaeological research to the understanding of Africa today.

Paperback - 9780521673105

African Politics in Comparative Perspective

African Politics in Comparative Perspective

This book reviews 50 years of research on politics in Africa. It synthesises insights from different scholarly approaches and offers an original interpretation of the knowledge accumulated over the years. It discusses how research on African politics relates to the study of politics in other regions. It focuses on key issues, such as the legacy of a movement approach to political change, the nature of the state, the economy of a location, the policy deficit, the agrarian question, gender and politics and ethnicity and conflict. It ends by reviewing what scholars agree upon and what the accumulated knowledge offers as insights for more effective political and policy reforms. This book is for undergraduate and graduate courses in African and Comparative Politics as well as development-oriented courses in Political Science and related disciplines. It is also of great relevance to governance and development analysts and practitioners in international organisations.

Paperback - 9780521685320

The Archaeology of Southern Africa

The Archaeology of Southern Africa

Some of the earliest human populations lived in southern Africa, and evidence from sites there has inspired key debates on human origins and on the emergence of modern humans. Peter Mitchell has produced the first comprehensive modern synthesis of the sub-continent's archaeology. His book offers a detailed overview of three million years of southern African history.

Paperback - 9780521533843

Environment, Power, and Injustice

Environment, Power, and Injustice

Some of the earliest human populations lived in southern Africa, and evidence from sites there has inspired key debates on human origins and on the emergence of modern humans. Peter Mitchell has produced the first comprehensive modern synthesis of the sub-continent's archaeology. His book offers a detailed overview of three million years of southern African history.

Paperback - 9780521534574

Guerrilla Veterans in Post-war Zimbabwe

Guerrilla Veterans in Post-war Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's guerrilla veterans have burst into the international media as the storm troopers in Mugabe's new war of economic liberation. In this book, Norma Kriger gives the unfolding contemporary drama a historical background, and shows continuities between the present and past. Today, violence and a liberation war discourse continue to be salient as Mugabe's party and its guerrilla veterans struggle to maintain power through land invasions and purges of a new political opposition. This study gives a critical review of guerrilla programmes and the war-to-peace transitions literature, thus changing the way we view post-conflict societies.

Paperback - 9780521537704

A History of South African Literature

A History of South African Literature

This book is the first critical study of its subject, from colonial and pre-colonial times to the present. Christopher Heywood discusses selected poems, plays and prose works in five literary traditions: Khoisan, Nguni-Sotho, Afrikaans, English, and Indian. The discussion includes over 100 authors and selected works, including poets from Mqhayi, Marais and Campbell to Butler, Serote and Krog, theatre writers from Boniface and Black to Fugard and Mda, and fiction writers from Schreiner and Plaatje to Bessie Head and the Nobel prize-winners, Gordimer and Coetzee. The literature is explored in the setting of crises leading to the formation of modern South Africa, notably the rise and fall of the Emperor Shaka's Zulu kingdom, the Colenso crisis, industrialisation, the colonial and postcolonial wars of 1899, 1914, and 1939, and the dissolution of apartheid society. In Heywood's magisterial study, South African literature emerges as among the great literatures of the modern world.

Paperback - 9780521615952

Language in South Africa

Language in South Africa

This is a comprehensive and wide-ranging guide to language and society in South Africa. The book surveys the most important language groupings in the region in terms of pre-colonial and colonial history and contact between the different language varieties. Written by a team of leading researchers, all the chapters are informed by the importance of socio-political history in understanding questions of language.

Paperback - 9780521533836

The Lion and the Springbok

The Lion and the Springbok

The Lion and the Springbok presents a unique account of the dynamics and divergences of the 'uneasy special relationship' of Britain and South Africa. From the bruising experience of the South African War (1899­1902) to South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth in 1961, the authors chart this relationship in all its political, economic, cultural and geostrategic aspects. The perceptions each side had of the other after 1948 are examined through representations in the media, and an epilogue considers the reasons for the return of the 'New South Africa' to the Commonwealth in 1994.

Paperback - 9780521537698

The Moral Economy of AIDS in South Africa

The Moral Economy of AIDS in South Africa

South Africa is a particularly interesting case study of the moral and economic challenges posed by a major AIDS pandemic. As of 2003, an estimated 21.5% of South Africans aged 15­59 was HIV-positive, with over 1000 people dying each day of AIDS. The AIDS epidemic in southern Africa has become a major public health crisis that threatens economic development and social solidarity. This important new study presents a history of AIDS policy in South Africa and an expert analysis of the macroeconomic impact of AIDS. It is a valuable resource for readers with an interest in AIDS policy and the social and economic implications of the pandemic.

Paperback - 9780521548649

Overcoming Intolerance in South Africa

In Overcoming Intolerance in South Africa, Gibson and Gouws investigate the degree to which the political culture of South Africa ­ the beliefs, values, and attitudes toward politics held by ordinary people ­ impedes or promotes the consolidation of democratic reform. One set of values is of particular concern for their research ­ political tolerance. The overwhelming emphasis throughout this book is on finding ways to enhance the willingness of South Africans to 'put up with' their political enemies, to allow open and widespread political competition, and to coexist in their diversity.

Paperback - 9780521533621

The Politics of Evil

The Politics of Evil

The Politics of Evil provides a new interpretation of modern South African history, and a fresh approach to the study of power, culture and resistance in the modern world. Encompassing all of South Africa's history in his analysis, Clifton Crais examines the formation of an authoritarian political order and the complex ways people understood and resisted the colonial state. The author explores evil as a moral and political problem and also looks at the contemporary political transition taking place in the country.

Paperback - 9780521533935

Public Opinion, Democracy and Market Reform in Africa

Public Opinion, Democracy and Market Reform in Africa

This book is a groundbreaking exploration of public opinion in sub-Saharan Africa. Based on the Afrobarometer, a comprehensive cross-national survey research project, it reveals what ordinary Africans think about democracy and market reform, subjects on which almost nothing is otherwise known. The authors find that support for democracy in Africa is wide but shallow, and that Africans feel trapped between state and market. Beyond multiparty elections, people want clean and accountable government.

Paperback - 9780521616720

Re-Imagining Rwanda

Re-Imagining Rwanda

The tragic conflict in Rwanda and the Great Lakes from 1994 to 1996 attracted the horrified attention of the world's media. This troubling study shows that the post-genocide regime in Rwanda was able to impose a simple, yet persuasive, account of Central Africa's crises upon international commentators new to the region.

Paperback - 9780521533089

Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid

Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid

Robben Island prison in South Africa held thousands of black political prisoners, including Nelson Mandela, who opposed apartheid. This book reconstructs the inmates' resistance strategies to show how these men created a political and social order behind bars. Survival was their first goal; challenging apartheid was their true aim. So although Robben Island was designed to repress, it was continually transformed by its political inmates into a site of resistance.

Paperback - 9780521537681

Transformimg Mozambique

Transformimg Mozambique

Many of the economic transformations in Africa have been as dramatic as those in Eastern Europe. Yet much of the comparative literature on transitions has overlooked African countries. This study of Mozambique's shift to a market economy draws on a wealth of empirical material, including archival sources, interviews, political posters, and corporate advertisement, to reveal that the state is a central actor in the creation of a market economy, despite the claims of neo-liberals and their critics.

Paperback - 9780521533829

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