Features of Student's Book 1

Language Record

Providing a record and easy reference of the language the students have covered.

Time to Spare?

Additional activities for mixed ability classes, these sections give students something to go with if they finish ahead of others.

Revision and Evaluation

Students are asked to think about what they have learned and revise the language they have covered.

Making an Exercise Box

Students are encouraged to write exercises for one another. The Ideas List at the back of the book provides suggestions.


A wide variety of activities involve students as fully as possible in their English course.

You Decide

Designed as a first step in the students taking responsibility for their own learning, the Decide exercises can be done alone, in pairs or in small groups.


Recycling language in a 'fun' format, they develop a natural sense of language achievement.

Culture Matters

Teaching students about life in English-speaking countries and encouraging them to compare it with life in their own country.

Cross-Curriculum Links

There are links with broader educational aims and also direct links with schools subjects such as Science and Geography.

What's In...?

Helping students to get to know the Student's Book and Workbook before starting the course fully.