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Look at these great Toby pictures from students in Slovenia!

drawing1 drawing2
Toby's favourite T-shirt is blue.
His favourite sweater is red.
His favourite cap is green and white.
Toby's favourite toy is a kite.
Toby's favourite shorts are green.
Toby's sad and he cries.
He's happy and he smiles.
He's tired and he goes to sleep.
Rebeka Omahen, OS Louisa Adamica, Grosuplje
  Toby's favourite clothes
Maja Sterk, OS France Preseren, Kokrica
drawing3   drawing4
Toby's favourite pyjamas
Jana Jakomin, OS Antona Ukmarja, Koper
  Toby's favourite weather
Tajda Zakojc, OS Preseren, Kranj
Toby's favourite sport - basketball!
Urska Kozlovic, OS Antona Ukmarja, Koper