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Some of the sample pages are in PDF format. To view them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader

LINK: Acrobat

Download your free screensaver (PC only)

Watch The Tiger Jump on your computer!

  1. Download the screensaver file.
  2. You will need to unzip the file using a program like WinZip. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program.
  3. Double-click on the JoinIn icon and you will see the following message: Welcome to The Tiger Jump screensaver install program. Click on Next.
  4. You have now installed the screensaver. You can adjust the time settings by following these steps:
  5. Go to My Computer... Control Panel... Display... Screensaver.
  6. You can change how quickly the screensaver will appear on your screen by changing the time at Wait ... minutes

The screensaver will work on the following platforms: Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME and NT.

If you need any help with downloading the screensaver, you can email

We hope you enjoy watching Toby the Tiger!

Download Screensaver