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The ESOL Core Curriculum

The following documents will assist teachers working in an ESOL environment with adapting the highly acclaimed Language in Use course to the specific needs of learners in this sector. Language in Use Beginner has been mapped in its entirety to the ESOL Core Curriculum and both Beginner and Pre-Intermediate levels have been cross-referenced to the Key Grammatical Structures of Entry Levels 1 and 2. The downloadable guide to these documents provides further information.

Guide to these documents (PDF: 24kB)

- Beginner cross-reference (PDF: 460kB)
- Entry 1 Key Grammatical Structures (PDF: 86kB)
- Entry 2 Key Grammatical Structures (PDF: 84kB)


These worksheets can be used with Language in Use Beginner and Pre-Intermediate. Each worksheet goes with one unit of Language in Use.

Beginner Worksheets and Answer Keys
Pre-Intermediate Worksheets and Answer Keys


Tests for Beginner and Pre-intermediate levels are available.

Log in to access the tests.