FAQ for GET CD-ROM: Stand-alone version (CBT)

  1. Known Problems (Windows and Mac)
  2. Known Problems (Windows only)
  3. Known Problems (Mac OS X only)
  4. Good to know

1. Known Problems (Windows and Mac)

Problems starting the program (The time limit for starting the program has been exceeded.)

Description: After the program is started and after the CD-ROM is checked for validity, the PONS "loading"pop-up appears - loading seems to be in progress; however, after a relatively long period of time (10 min or more) an error message occurs: "The time limit for starting the program has been exceeded. Please restart your computer and open the program again."

Workaround: Deleting the folder .pons has proven to resolve the problem. However, deleting the folder .pons results in a loss of all learner evalutation data. The .pons folder seems to contain defective data. However, due to lack of original user-data PONS has not been able to find out more about the reasons for phenomenon nor about the exact nature of the faulty data.

Customer address: In order to reproduce the error PONS needs the contents of the folder .pons. The folder is saved in your local application data directory (more info below). Please send the entire .pons folder as a zip-file.

Please the try the following to fix the error: The current data in .pons seems to be defective. Loading data from the defect file leads to the current error messages. Remove or rename the .pons file. Once you restart the program, it will create a new .pons. file.

The location of the local application data directory depends on your local settings (Einstellungen). Sample locations are: D:\WINNT\PROFILES\Windows-registration-name\local-setting\applicationdata\.pons C:\documents and setting\Windows-registration-name\local-setting\applicationdata\.pons

You may also use the search functions - search for the folder: .pons

Error recovery: PONS has not yet had a chance to inspect a defective data file .pons, therefore it is highly important to ask the customer to send a zipped version of the file .pons. - without this file it is impossible to reconstruct and trace the problem or come to a solution for the problem.

Program does not load (Could not read the configuration file)

Description: After the installation of the validity-check-CD the following information texts/messages appear:

  1. validity-check for original CD-ROM
  2. validity-information (time limited version only)
  3. after click on button Start: FATAL ERROR: Could not read the configuration file.

Problem: The Windows registration name contains special characters (e.g. German Umlaut: ü;ö;ä). Since the Windows registration name is often part of the path to the local application data, the installer is unable to transcribe the special characters correctly into the xml-file that is imported at the beginning of the program-run.

Workaround: Either resolve the problem by:

  • requesting the file "C:\Programme\pons\GET\GETB1\win32\Clientapp.config.xml" from the customer. Edit the file accordingly and return it to the customer. The customer then is to replace the old file with the new file.
  • implementing a patch to reroute the path:

Instruction for implementation of the patch:

  1. Please unzip the zip.file into the installation directory of the course PONS GET B1 (e.g. C:\Programme\pons\GET\GETB1)
  2. Start the patch with the file "start_setpath.bat".
  3. After you have started the patch, first choose the installation directory of your PONS GET B1 course (e.g. C:\Programme\pons\GET\GETB) and then a directory for temporary files and user data. Please make sure that this directory does not contain any special characters.

2. Known Problems (Windows only)

PONS does not know of any problems that are related exclusively to Windows.

3. Known Problems (Mac OS X only)

Program does not close upon click on close-button in Credits

If the learner wants to leave the credits-information-screen by clicking the close-button, the program does not shut down - a white window remains open on the screen.

If the learner views the credits until the end, the program proceeds with its closing routine without any error.


Please note: PONS GET is usable with the following Mac-Systems only:

  • Mac OS X 10.3. up to Mac OS X 10.3.9. (PONS GET does as yet not run on Mac OS X 10.4. or above)

4. Good to know

Administrator's rights

Due to copy-protection the user needs local administrator's rights when first starting the GET software. If the user is not fitted with the respective rights an error message will occur.


Activated anti-virus-software (e.g. Norton Anti-Virus (Auto-Protect)) can lead to interference with the installation routine during initial installation (reported with Windows XP Professional).


Activated according to a link to the .exe file in Start->Programme->PONS->GET resp. desktop. Windows NT and Mac OS X do not have autoplay functions.

Screen settings

The CBT runs a full-screen version with a resolution of 1024 x 768 px. With a higher screen resolution the program does not run a full-screen picture, the frame cannot be enlarged manually.

Print (Proxy)

If the access to http-pages is controlled by a Proxy, there is a possibility that error messages may appear when one tries to print something out.

To solve this problem, adjust the following settings: do not use Proxy for local http address "".

Mozilla: Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Proxies -> No Proxy for (hier Adresse eintragen)


Starting/installing the PONS GET software on a computer while the firewall is activated can lead to an error message from the firewall due to the applied client-server-technology of PONS GET.

Please either deactivate the firewall before starting PONS GET software or allow access to the requested IP-address. Note that despite the warning, there is NO Internet connection being established nor is an Internet connection necessary to run the software.

Example: Zone Alarm
Zone Alarm Alert: Futuna Frontend Host is trying to access the Internet.
Application: PONS GET B1.exe
Destination IP: z.B. 1098

Upon closing PONS GET software the following alarm may be set off:
Zone Alarm Alert: javaw.exe is trying to access the Internet.
Application: javaw.exe
Destination IP: z.B. 9090

For either warning choose "Remember this setting" and confirm with "Allow". The warnings above will no longer be triggered off.

Help / Manual

The integrated Help and the Manual (in form of a PDF) are identical content-wise - except for certain screenshots that are part of the Manual only. The Help and the Manual for the stand-alone version (CBT) and the LAN version (WBT) only differ with regard to the installation guidelines (i.e. the LAN version cannot be installed by the end user / learner).

Security (Browser, Server, Internet)


The stand-alone version (CBT) runs with a Mozilla Browser Framework. However, despite the Mozilla Browser technology, the system is not designed to establish an Internet connection. In the case of an error message it is possible that this message is a Mozilla error message. This does not imply that the system is trying to start a Mozilla Browser, the system is simply referring back to itself.

Apache Tomcat Server

The local Apache Tomcat Server that is part of the CBT is only for use with the CBT and cannot be used for other purposes. Furthermore, it is not possible to connect to this server via another computer, it will only refer to the address (this address solely refers to one's own computer).

Unfortunately, with many firewall systems this access (one's own computer to one's own computer) specifically needs to be allowed. However, this involves no security risk.

Internet access

Although the stand-alone version (CBT) is based on Internet technologies, neither the installation routine nor the running of the program involve Internet access nor is in any way a connection to the Internet established.

Limited duration of usage

The courses PONS GET B1 and PONS GET B1 B2 version 1.0 and above are limited to 365 days of usage.

The ESP Modules PONS GET Presentations B1 and PONS GET Telephoning A2 version 1.0 and above are limited to 150 days of usage.

Each time the program is started, information about the remaining time of access will be displayed.

Additional windows

Some of the windows to be accessed via the pull-up menu "Extras" remain open in the background unless they are closed manually (Language rules, Communication, Business Cultures, Learning Strategies, etc.).

You can switch from one to another by pressing keys alt+tab or via the taskbar.