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From Jana Davidov, 21st Elementary School, Pilsen, Czech Republic

I am a teacher of English at the 21st Elementary School in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Our school is a member of Cambridge Schools Association. We use Cambridge University Press textbooks in all our language classes. I have been teaching very young learners and I would like to share my experience on teaching songs in Playway lessons.

The children can learn language just through listening and speaking, through pictures, gestures, songs, games, total physical response activities etc.

I have to say my pupils like this way of learning English very much. They love to sing on their own, they stop being shy even if they cannot sing very well.

I would like to strongly recommend this course for learners aged five or six in nursery schools and first grades of elementary schools. I believe there are many teachers using this course, and I would like to share my experience on teaching very young learners.

Learning with Max is fun!

An article from Marie Zukalova, a teacher in Brno , Czech Republic

Playway to English is a four-level course for young children who are learning English. In levels 1 and 2 they learn to speak and listen before they are able to read and write. In levels 3 and 4 they start to read and write, both in very enjoyable way.

Each level consists of many components (Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Class Audio Cassette or CD, Activity Book Audio Cassette or CD, Stories Video, Picture Cards, Story Cards, Max, the glove puppet and of course, Teacher's Guide), which are really motivating and make English just so easy and so much fun. Max, the glove puppet, is a 'real person' for children. He is their friend and they are ready to do anything for him ("Speak only English, because Max does not understand Czech." "Be quiet, so you don't scare him." etc.).

Playway to English is based on 'SMILE' (Skill-oriented learning; Multi-sensory learner motivation; Intelligence building activities; Long-term storage of the language through music, movement, rhythm and rhyme; Exciting sketches, stories, games) and is surely one of the best childrens courses. Children love its songs, chants and stories. They adore 'playing theatre' when trying to reconstruct a cartoon story after viewing it on video.

They like sticking and colouring pictures in their books and playing games. They learn very easily, especially when all the words, chants and songs are accompanied with movement.

I am very happy that children are not only learning English, but improving their general skills and abilities as well. This course, based on principles of 'multiple intelligences', helps them to learn better, to learn with enthusiasm and joy.

My children love this course and I have to say I love teaching with Playway. I teach children from 6 to 9, but I am sure this course is suitable even for younger children. My 3 year old daughter learns together with 6 year old children and she is doing well. She loves this marvellous book.

Nowdays there are many books for children, but if you want to be sure your children will learn with joy and fun, I really recommend this one. Not only your children will adore Max and his friends, but it will be fun for you as well.