Teacher materials

Access to some free resources is restricted to teachers of English. To view these resources, you need to create an account.

Once you have created an account, you only need to log in once using your email address and Cambridge ELT password. This grants access to all the free teacher content throughout the Cambridge ELT site.

Creating an account is easy. You can create an account now or by following the Log in links on pages containing restricted content.


Here is an example of how this works. If you create an account and log in, you will see more information below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I log in?

You can only log in to access the resources on this site if you have registered and created an account. This is free. If you have not already done this, create an account now.

I've filled in the form and clicked 'submit'; why doesn't it work?

You need to fill in the form using only characters without diacritics, so use 'n' instead of 'ñ', 'a' instead of 'á', etc. If you do this, you will be able to submit the form.

I have registered, but still can't log in. What has gone wrong?

When you have filled in the registration form and submitted it, you will receive an e-mail from us asking you to click on a link to activate your account. You will not be able to log in until you have clicked on this link. If the e-mail does not appear to arrive, please check your junkmail folder, as it may have ended up in there.

If you have activated your account and have problems logging in, you are probably not using the correct combination of username and password. Follow the instructions below to get a password reminder, and remember that passwords are case-sensitive. Try copying and pasting the password from the reminder e-mail to the login form.

I've forgotten my password. How do I get a reminder?

If you need to be reminded of your password, click on any of the log in links, and follow the instructions from there.

I've tried all this and it still doesn't work

If you still have trouble logging in, you can contact us for help at eltwebfeedback@cambridge.org.

Some resource sites for teachers