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Award-winning Authors and Publications

Cambridge University Press is proud of the recognition received by its authors and publications. Please use the navigation provided at the right to browse a summary of our award-winning publications.

By Title: A through D

Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France
The American Historical Association's Herbert Baxter Adams Prize

Absolutism and the Eighteenth-Century Origins of Compulsory Schooling in Prussia and Austria
the Prize for Best Book in Central European History from The Conference Group for Central European History

Adam Smith's Marketplace of Life
2003 Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Adolescent Mothers in Later Life
The American Sociological Association's William J. Goode Distinguished Book Award

2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Aegean Bronze Age, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Africa and the International System
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1997

African American Theatre
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1995

African Art in Transit
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1995

African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crisis, 1979-1999
The Gregory Luebbert Book Award, APSA 2002

African Poor, The
The African Studies Association's Herskovits Award

African-American Family in Slavery and Emancipation, The
Honorable Mention, Seaborg Award

Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England
2003 African Studies Association Herskovits Prize

Agrarian History of England and Wales, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Agrarian Question and Peasant Movement in Colombia, The
the Pacific Coast Council on Latin-American Studies' Hubert Herring Award

Agricultural Revolution in England
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1997

Algae and Human Affairs
One of the Outstanding Academic Books/Nonprint Materials 1989-1990 -- Choice

Altars and Altarpieces of New St. Peter's, The
the 1998 Salimbeni Prize for the History and Criticism of Art

Ambivalent Conquests
Spain and America in the Quincentennial of the Discovery

American Direct Primary, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2003

American Economy, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1996

American Revolution in Indian Country, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Book 1996

American Visions of Europe
the Robert H. Ferrell Prize of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

America's Forgotten Pandemic
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

Ant and Peacock, The
Chosen as One of The New York Times' Nine Best Books of the Year for 1992

Anthology and Rise of Novel, The
Choice 2001 Outstanding Academic Title

Anthropology Through the Looking Glass
the 1994 J.I. Staley Prize of the School of American Research

Anzac Illusion, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Arabic Administration in Norman Sicily
2003 British-Kuwait Friendship Society Prize in Middle Eastern Studies

Arabic Historical Thought in the Classical Period
Honorable Mention Albert Hourani Award

Archaeologies of the Greek Past
2004 Spiro Kostof Book Award of the Society of Architectural Historians

Archaeology of Ancient Greece, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Archaeology of Ancient Greece, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Architectural Treatise in Italian Renaissance, The
2000 Alice Davis Hitchcock Award--Society of Architectural Historians

Argument and Change in World Politics
Co-Winner, APSA: Jervis-Schroeder Prize, International History and Politics Section

Argument and Change in World Politics
Co-Winner APSA: Jervis-Schroeder Award 2003

Aristocracy in Twelfth-Century Leon and Castile, The
the 1998 Premio Del Rey Prize of the American Historical Association

Aristocrats in Bourgeois Italy
the 1998 Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize of the American Historical Association

Art History in the Age of Bellori
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Art of Crusaders in Holy Land, 1098-1187, The
1999 Haskins Medal of the Medival Society of America

2003 recipient of the Excellence in Introductory College Physics Teaching Award by the American Association of Physics Teachers
2003 Text and Academic Authors Association Texty Textbook Excellence Award.
The Press congratulates Dr. Michael Zeilik, winner of the 2002 American Astronomical Society Education Prize.

At Home in the Street
American Anthropological Association 2001 Margaret Mead Award

At the Gate of Christendom
American Association for the Study of Hungarian History Best Book Award

At War's End
Chadwick F. Alger Award (ISA) (2/05)

Australian People, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Authors to Themselves
Holly Hanford Prize

Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Recommended by the Literature Committee of the National Association for the Mentally Ill

Avoiding Politics
the 1999 Association for Humanist Sociology Book Award

Bach and the Meanings of Counterpoint
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Barbarism and Religion
Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History--American Philosophical Association

Barcelona and its Rulers, 1096 - 1291
Medieval Academy of America's 1999 John Nicholas Brown Prize
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Beckett in Performance
Recipient of the George Jean Nathan Award

Being Israeli
Co-winner of the Albert Hourani Book Prize 2002

Belated Feudalism
the 1993 J. David Greenstone Prize of the American Political Science Association

Between Law and Custom
2003 Phi Alpha Theta Best Subsequent Book prize
James Willard Hurst Prize (11/03)

Between Politics and Science
American Political Science Association: Don K. Price Award

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
The American Studies Association's John Hope Franklin Prize
The Organization of American Historians' Merle Curti Social History Award

Beyond Piety
The Mather Prize for Distinguished Criticism given by the College Art Association

Bioethics in a Liberal Society
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1995

Biological Sequence Analysis's Bestselling Title of 1999 in its category-Organic Chemistry

Bird Nests and Construction Behaviour
Choice 2001 Outstanding Academic Title

Birth of the Leviathan
Winner of the 1998 Barrington Moore Award of the American Sociological Association

Black Nationalism in American Politics and Thought
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Bolshevik Women
Co-winner of the 1997 Heldt Prize for Best Book in Slavic/East European Women's Studies

Brazilian Popular Church and Crisis of Modernity, The
the Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in the Analytical-Descriptive Studies category of the AAR

Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory, A
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Building Capitalism
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Bulldozer in Countryside, The
Lewis Mumford Prize - Society for American City and Regional Planning History
The Frederick Jackson Turner Prize of the OAH

Business Community of Seventeenth-Century England, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Book 1996

Byron and the Victorians
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Byron, Poetics and History
Rose Mary Crawshay Prize, Co-Winner

Caesarius of Arles
The American Historical Association's 1996 James Henry Breasted Prize

Caetana Says No
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Calendrical Calculations
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Cambridge Companion to English Poetry, Donne to Marvell, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1995

Cambridge Companion to Jazz, The
SAM: Irving Lowens book Award (2/04)

Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth, The
Choice 2001 Outstanding Academic Title

Cambridge Companion to Keats, The
Wolfson named Scholar of the Year by the Keats-Shelley Ass'n

Cambridge Companion to Locke, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Cambridge Companion to Newton, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Titles 2003

Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction, The
British Science Fiction Association Award for Best Non-Fiction of 2003

Cambridge Companion to Spanish Novel, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

Cambridge Companion to Stoics, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The
Chosen by the American Library Association as one of the Outstanding Reference Sources for 1995

Cambridge Economic History of United States, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1996

Cambridge Economic History of United States, The
Choice's 2001 Outstanding Academic Titles

Cambridge Encyclopedia of English Language, The
Choosen by the American Library Association as one of the "Best Books of 1995."
Chosen by the American Library Association as one of the Outstanding Reference Sources for 1995 and 1996
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Japan, The
Chosen as one of the "Best Reference Sources of 1993" by Library Journal, Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1995

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, The
A Booklist 1989 Outstanding Reference Source. A Library Journal Best Reference Book of 1990.

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites, The
Library Journal 2002 Best Reference Title

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space, The
"Year's best astronomy books" in the 2005 annual special issue of Astronomy

Cambridge Grammar of English Language, The
2004 Leonard Bloomfield Book Award
Library Journal 2002 Best Reference Title

Cambridge Guide to Children's Books in English, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Cambridge Guide to English Usage, The
New York Public Library List of Distinguished Reference Books 2005

Cambridge Guide to Solar System, The
"Year's best astronomy books" in the 2005 annual special issue of Astronomy

Cambridge Guide to Theatre, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1996

Cambridge History of American Literature, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Cambridge History of American Theatre, The
Barnard Hewitt Award: American Society for Theatre Research

Cambridge History of American Theatre, The
Special Jury Award of the Theatre Library Association for 1999

Cambridge History of American Theatre, The
Finalist for the George Freedley Award-TLA 1999

Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, The
Choice 2001 Outstanding Academic Title

Cambridge History of Native Peoples of Americas, The
Choice's 2001 Outstanding Academic Titles

Cambridge History of Scandinavia, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre, The
an Honorable Mention for the George Freedley Memorial Award of the Theatre Library Association for 1995
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950-2000, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Cambridge Introduction to Narrative, The
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Cambridge Old English Reader, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

Cambridge Thesaurus of American English, The
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1995

Cambridge World History of Food, The
Finalist for James Beard Foundation Writing and Reference Book Award
Guild of Food Writers Special Commendation--Food Book of the Year 2001

Cambridge World History of Human Disease, The
Doody's Best Health Sciences Books for 1993

the 2001 Lakatos Award in Philosophy of Science

Censorship of the American Theatre in the Twentieth Century
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005
Finalist, 2003 TLA George Freedley Award

Cephalopod Behaviour
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books of 1997

Challenging Diversity
2005 Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards (1/05)

Changing National Identities at the Frontier
Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge (5/05)

Charitable Knowledge
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1996

Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History
2004 AFP Skystone Ryan Research Prize

Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History
Co-Winner, 2003 Virginia Hodgkinson Research Prize from the Independent Sector

Chekhov Theatre, The
the Barnard Hewitt Award of the American Society for Theatre Research for 1997

Chesapeake Family and their Slaves, A
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Children and the Movies
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1996

Chimpanzee Material Culture
1995 W. W. Howells Prize

Choices, Values, and Frames
2003 Grawemeyer Award for Powerful Ideas in Psychology

Christianity in Bakhtin
1999 Conference on Christianity and Literature Book Prize

Finalist in the MLA Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies

City Codes
Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1996
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1996

City of Courts
2004 William Nelson Cromwell Foundation Prize

City of Courts
American Historical Association's John H. Dunning Prize

Clinical Assessment of Dangerousness
Achievement of the Year: 2001 Award of The Quebec Association of Psychiatrists

Clinical Neuropsychiatry of Stroke, The
the 1999 American Psychiatric Association Award for Research

Coastal Evolution
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Coercive Power in Social Exchange
the 1998 Theory Prize of the American Sociological Association

Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics
Co-Winner, Goldsmith Book Prize from the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Winner, David Easton Award of the Foundations of Political Theory Section of the American Political Science Association

Colobine Monkeys
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1995

Color and Light in Nature
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1996

Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought
2001 Albert Hourani Book Award (11/01)

Common Labour
Organization of American Historians' 1994 Frederick Jackson Turner Award

Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences
Winner, Alexander L. George Article Award for the Qualitative Methods Section of the American Political Science Association
Winner, Giovanni Sartori Book Award of the Qualitative Methods Section of the American Political Science Association

Comparing Media Systems
Goldsmith Book Awards (1/05)

Computational Fluid Dynamics
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Confronting Climate Change
Outstanding Academic Book for 1993 by CHOICE

Congress as Public Enemy
1996 Richard Fenno Prize

Congressional Theatre
1999 Honorable Mention for the Bernard Hewitt Award

Conrad and Impressionism
Choice 2001 Outstanding Academic Title

Consent, Dissent, and Patriotism
Honorable Mention for the 1999 Sharlin Memorial Prize

Constructing Christopher Marlowe
Roma Gill Award of the Marlowe Society of America

Constructing Social Psychology
2000 Lasswell Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution to Political Psychology, International Society of Political Psychology
Consumer Protection and the Criminal Law
Society of Legal Scholars Book Prize, Second Place

Contemporary West African States
One of CHOICE's Outstanding Academic Books/Nonprint Materials 1992

Contested Economic Institutions
Runner Up: The Gregory Luebbert Best Book Award--APSA

Cooperative Breeding in Birds
One of CHOICE's Outstanding Academic Books 1990-91

Corporate Power, American Democracy and the Automobile Industry
Michael Harrington Award of the American Political Science Association (6/19/01)

Corporatism or Competition?
1998 Noteworthy Books in Industrial and Labor Economics by Selected References

Correspondence of Charles Darwin, The
First Morton N. Cohen Award for a Distinguished Edition of Letters from the Modern Language Association

Corruption and Government
2000 Charles H. Levine Memorial Award--Governance

Cosmic Catastrophes
Robert Hamilton Award for the Best Book by a University of Texas Professor

Cosmic Company
2004 Astronomical Society of the Pacific Klumpke-Roberts Award

Craft of Thought, The
Haskins Medal, Medieval Academy of America

Crafting Law on the Supreme Court
C. Herman Pritchett Award--APSA 2001

Creation of Modern Athens, The
Criticos Prize 2001 (European award)

Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England
Choice's 2001 Outstanding Academic Titles

Crony Capitalism
2003 Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Cross-Cultural Reckonings
1995 Jay B. Hubbell Award for distinguished lifetime achievement, given by American literature section of MLA

Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Cytokinesis in Animal Cells
Choice Outstanding Academic Book 1997

Data Analysis with Excel
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner

Death by Migration
1990/91 Choice Outstanding Academic Book Selection

Death by Migration
William H. Welch Medal of the American Association for the History of Medicine

Degrees of Guidance
The 1993 Golden Light Photographic Book of the Year Competition

Deliberate Discretion?
2003 APSA: Richard Fenno Award
Co-Winner, 2003 APSA: Gregory Luebbert Award
Co-Winner, 2003 APSA: William H. Riker Award

Democracy and Coercive Diplomacy
Edgar S. Furniss Book Award, 2001

Democracy and Development
Woodrow Wilson Award--APSA (7/01)

Democracy and Redistribution
Winner, Mattei Dogan Award of the Society for Comparative Research
Winner, William H. Riker Award of the Political Economy Section of the American Political Science Association

Democracy Defended
APSA: Co-Winner of the Gladys M. Krammerer Award (2004)

Democracy, Revolution, and Monarchism in Early American Literature
Co-Winner MLA: First Book Prize

Democratic Dilemma, The
the 1998 National Academy of Sciences Award for Initiatives in Research

Democratic Distributive Justice
Choice 2001 Outstanding Academic Title

Democratic Phoenix
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Demons of Disorder
the C. Hugh Holman Award of the Society for the Study of Literature

Derrida and Autobiography
Choice Outstanding Academic Book 1996

Development of Russian Verse, The
the 1999 Best Book in Literary or Cultural Studies of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages

Developmental Biology of Fern Gametophytes
One of CHOICE's Outstanding Academic Books 1990-91

Diaspora Politics
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles, 2005

One of CHOICE's Outstanding Academic Books 1990-91

Dictating Demography
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1997

Dignity at Work
2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner
Finalist in ASA Dist. Scholarly Pub Award 2002

Dignity of Resistance, The
2005 EDRA/Places Award for Place Research

Diseases of the Will
Joint Winner of Herbert Jacob Prize for 1999-2000

Dismantling the Welfare State?
the American Political Science Association's 1995 Gladys M. Kammerer Award

Diversity and Self-Determination in International Law
2003 ASIL Certificate of Merit

Divided Arsenal
2000 Best Book on Historical Perspectives of Race and Ethnic Politics--American Political Science Association (8/02/01)

Dominion of the Eye
Winner of the 1999 Charles Rufus Morey Award of the College Art Association

Dos Passos and the Ideology of the Feminine
the 1999 Modern Language Association's Prize for Independent Scholars

Drawing Acts
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Drawing the Line
The 1996 Herbert Hoover Book Award of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association

Drawing the Line
The Stuart L. Bernath Prize of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

Drawing the Line
The 1996 Herbert Hoover Book Award of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association

Drawing the Line
The Stuart L. Bernath Prize of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

Dynamics of Coercion, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Dynamics of Coercion, The
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2003

Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1997

Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland, The
One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Books for 1997

Dynamics of Contention
Honorable Mention for the 2003 Mattei Dogan Award for the Best Book Published in the field of Comparative Research

Dynamics of Contention
Mattei Dogan Best Book in Comparative Research Honorable Mention 2003

Dynastic State and Army under Louis XIV, The
Gladstone History Book Prize 2002