Help > About Basket

About your basket

  Information in your basket
  • Status: This shows the availability of this item to you based on the delivery country you have supplied.
  • Title, author, ISBN: This information is displayed for all items in your basket. Click on the title to view the catalog details for that item."
  • Quantity: Set the quantity to 0 and click Update to delete that item from your basket.
  • Cost USD: Click on the USD price to see how the cost of each item has been calculated.
You may amend the quantity option for each line. When finished click 'Update quantities'.

Adding to your basket
You can add titles to your online shopping basket in three ways:
  • catalog pages will display an order button. Click to add to basket.
  • Component, series and list pages will display an order form. Enter a quantity in the box next to any item you wish to purchase and click order to add to basket.
  • Using the Title Selection facility on the basket page
When the order is complete, click the 'Checkout' button to go to the next stage.

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