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Classroom Language

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Review Board Games

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Download:  Click here to download the game board.

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of four students. Give each group one game board, one die, and four tokens.

Position all the students' tokens on the square marked "Start Here." The first student to play rolls the die. His or her token advances the number of squares indicated on the die. If the square tells the student to talk about a subject, the student should speak about the given topic. There are no right or wrong answers. Students should be encouraged to give thoughtful, complete answers.

If the token lands on a square marked "Free Question," the other students in the group can agree on a question to ask the player.

After the first student responds, the next student to play rolls the die. The first student to reach the square marked "Start Again?" is the winner.

Option: As a bonus for answers that show creativity, thoughtfulness, or extra effort, you (or other players) can choose to advance a player an agreed-upon number of squares.

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