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Activity type: New product creation and advertising poster design

Time: 30–40 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the question sheet. Print it out. Photocopy one set of questions for each group of four students. Each group will also need a large sheet of paper and colored markers to design its poster.

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of four students. Tell them to pretend that they work for a large company. Explain that the task is to create a new product and then design an advertisement for it. The product can be anything from a new car to a new kind of toothpaste. The students should use the questions as a guide to develop the product and to create a poster for it.

Option: Exhibit the finished posters around the classroom or the school. Have students vote on categories such as "most original," "most practical new product," "funniest ad," or "most persuasive ad."

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