Teaching Ideas
Classroom Language

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Review Board Games

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What can we do today?

Activity type: Contest and small-group discussion

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation: None (possible prize for contest winners)

Procedure: Divide the class into small groups of three or four students. Tell students to imagine that they want to do something interesting today, but they don't feel like reading a book or watching a movie. Explain that this is a contest where each group has five minutes to think of and list as many ideas as possible for activities they could do or places they could go. After five minutes, have the groups read out the different activities and places that they listed. If an activity or place is mentioned by more than one group, then no points are awarded. Points are awarded only for unique answers. The group with the most points wins.

Option: When the contest is over, assign one of the activities or places to each group. Tell the groups that they should write two or three discussion questions about the activity or place. Write all the discussion questions on the board to make sure that they are grammatically correct. Then have the class form new groups to discuss the questions.

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