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What do your dreams mean?

Activity type: Information gathering

Time: 10–15 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the activity sheets. Print them out. Photocopy and cut out one list of dreams and one "dream information" strip for each student.

Procedure: Give each student a list of dreams. Explain that they have some brief descriptions of dreams, but not the possible meanings of the dreams. Then give each student one "dream information" strip. If there are more strips than students, give some students more than one strip. Tell students to find the meaning of each dream by moving around the room, exchanging information using the following model:

    What does it mean if I dream about . . . ?
    If you dream about . . . , it means that . . . .
Option: When students have completed their lists, have them form groups of four to six to discuss the interpretations of common dreams in their culture(s).

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