Teaching Ideas
Classroom Language

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Review Board Games

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Who am I?

Activity type: Guessing game

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the celebrity cards. Print them out. Photocopy the cards and cut out a card for each student, choosing the celebrities you think students will be most familiar with. You will also need tape to stick a card on each student's back.

Procedure: Have the class stand in a line. Starting at one end, stick one celebrity card on each student's back. Students should not be able to see the identity on their celebrity card. Continue until each student has a celebrity card. Tell students that they must find out the identity of their celebrity by asking yes/no questions. Their classmates can answer only with "yes" or "no." For less advanced students, review yes/no question forms and adjectives of physical description. Write the following models on the board:

Am I a man/woman?
Am I tall?
Do I have brown hair?
Can I sing?
  Am I . . . ?
Do I . . . ?
Do I have . . . ?
Can I . . . ?

When students guess their celebrity's identity, they can remove their card but should continue answering other classmates' questions.

Option: When students have correctly guessed the identity of their celebrity, have them form pairs. Tell the pairs to think of three adjectives to describe each of their celebrities' physical appearance and personality.

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