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Unusual homes

Activity type: Information gap

Time: 20–25 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the activity sheets. Print them out. Photocopy "Student A" sheets for half of the class and "Student B" sheets for the other half.

Procedure: Divide the class into two groups: "Student A" and "Student B." Have students form pairs with someone in the same group. Next, give one information sheet to each pair. Working with this partner, the students should write questions that will help them get the missing information. For less advanced students, write the following information on the board:

    Who? – find a person
    What? – find general information
    Where? – find a place
    When? – find a time
    Why?/How come? – find a reason
    How? – find a method
    How long? – find a distance or period of time
    How much? – find a price
    How big/tall/heavy? – find a number
When they are finished, put them into new pairs-this time with each "Student A" joining a "Student B." Have them fill in the missing information by asking their questions.

Option: Ask students to describe the most unusual home that they have ever been in or seen.

Correct story:

Oscar Cafiero and his wife Maria live in a very unusual house. They live in a quiet neighborhood in 1. St. Nicholas, Argentina. When Oscar retired 2. four years ago, he was very sad because 3. he missed the sea. He was a seaman for 4. thirty years, and 5. living in a regular house was difficult for him. Oscar missed living on a boat. Maria wanted to live on a boat, but she couldn't because she gets seasick!

One day, Maria found 6. a drawing of Oscar's dream boat and got a bright idea. Maria was a designer and designed 7. a house using Oscar's drawing. She changed a few things. She added 8. a strong foundation so the house wouldn't fall over. Their house may look like a boat, but if you put it on water, it would sink!

Living in a houseboat isn't really unusual. There are 9. three decks, or three floors. The lower deck, or the downstairs area, has 10. a living room, a galley (the boating word for a 11. kitchen), a bathroom, a laundry room, and a small bedroom for 12. Oscar and Maria. This area is about 13. 58 feet (17.5m) long by about 14. 13 feet (4m) wide. It is decorated with lots of 15. things from Oscar's real boat. 16. The ceilings are a little low, but it is still very comfortable. From the living room, there is a ladder to three more small bedrooms on the upper decks. There is one more ladder. That ladder goes to 17. the control room. Oscar uses this room as 18. his office.

But this is not a problem for Oscar. He is very happy in his home. He says he never misses 19. the sea anymore. Some men may be the king of their castle, but Oscar loves being 20. the captain of his boat!

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