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Yes/No Bingo

Activity type: Game

Time: 20–25 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the game sheets. Print out the game sheet with the question cues. Photocopy one game sheet for each student.

Procedure: Have students form pairs. Give each student a sheet. Have them work with their partner to fill in all the squares with yes/no questions. Explain that no wh- (who, what, when, where, why) questions should be included on their sheets. When all the pairs have finished, ask students to stand up and to work individually to ask other classmates the questions. The students should write the name of a classmate on the line below only if his or her answer to the question is "yes." The first student to get five names in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) is the winner.

Option: Give students the game sheet without the question cues to make the activity more challenging.

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