Teaching Ideas
Classroom Language

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Review Board Games

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What's the question?

Activity type: Pair guessing game

Time: 10–15 minutes

Preparation: None

Procedure: Model the task by writing three answers to questions about yourself on the board. Tell students that they will play a game to guess the correct question for each answer. For example:

Have students suggest possible questions for each word on the board. For example, for Lasagna, students might guess "What's your favorite food?" or "What do you like to cook?" For Blue, students may guess "What's your favorite color?" or "What color is your car?" For Baseball, questions could include "What's your least favorite sport?" or "What sport do the New York Yankees play?"

Tell students to work alone. Tell them to write three answers to questions about themselves. Then put them into pairs to take turns guessing the questions. If time allows, have students form new pairs and go through the guessing again.

Option: When everyone has finished, find out which students guessed the questions to their partner's answers the fastest and which student(s) came up with the most challenging answer to be matched by a corresponding question.

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