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Naomi's family

Activity type: Pair puzzle

Time: 20–25 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the activity sheets. Print them out. Photocopy "Student A" sheets for half of the class and "Student B" sheets for the other half, and a blank family tree diagram for everyone.

Procedure: Divide the class into two groups: "Student A" and "Student B." Then within each group, have students form pairs. Give each student a blank family tree and either a student A or a student B worksheet. Point out that the "Student A" pairs have information about her father's side of the family and the "Student B" pairs have information about her mother's side. Explain that the task is to fill in Naomi's family tree. When the pairs are finished, put them into new pairs – with each "Student A" joining a "Student B." Tell students to ask questions about Naomi's family to complete her family tree.

Option: Cut out the sentences from either the "Student A" or the "Student B" sheet. Tape them around the classroom or in the hallway. Divide the students into pairs. Do a "running dictation," where one partner runs to look at the sentence, memorizes it, runs back to the other partner, and dictates the sentence. When both partners agree that their sentence matches what is taped on the wall, the other partner does the same. Students continue until all the sentences are written down. When everyone has finished one set, hand out the other set and have them finish Naomi's family tree.

Correct answers:  Click here for the answer key.

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