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Competition idioms

Activity type: Information-gap puzzle

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the activity sheets. Print them out. Photocopy enough sheets labeled "Student A" for half of the class and enough sheets labeled "Student B" for the other half.

Procedure: Have students form pairs. For each pair, give one partner a "Student A" and the other partner a "Student B" sheet. "Student A" has the even-numbered idioms and the definitions for the odd-numbered idioms. "Student B" has the odd-numbered idioms and the definitions for the even-numbered idioms. Explain that the task is to match the idioms and their definitions. Write the following two models on the board as a guide:

    What's the idiom that means . . . ?
    What does . . . mean?
When all the pairs have finished this part of the activity, go over the answers. Next have them work together to complete the sentences with the correct idioms. Make sure they understand that it will sometimes be necessary to adapt the idiom either by changing or omitting the form of the verb or by using a different adjective or pronoun.

Option: Set up a contest where the pair that uses the most idioms properly in grammatically correct sentences wins.

Correct answers:

1. to kick yourself –
to be angry or annoyed with yourself
2. to throw in the towel –
to give up or quit something
3. to be run down –
to be physically exhausted
4. par for the course –
something that is expected or usual
5. sink or swim –
in an extreme, unfamiliar situation, you do what you must do to survive or fail
6. The ball is in your court. –
it is your turn to take the next step or do the next action
7. to play hardball –
to act forcefully and aggressively in a situation, usually in business
8. to throw a tantrum –
to show anger suddenly, usually because you cannot get something you want

  1. I worked for fourteen hours yesterday and the day before that. I'm really run-down, and I need to sleep!
  2. John tried many times to snowboard, but because he broke his arm, he threw in the towel.
  3. Margaret is late again today! In fact, she's always late. I guess it's just par for the course!
  4. I want to kick myself! I made some really stupid mistakes on my exam!
  5. A lot of university freshmen fail the first year because it's so difficult. It's sink or swim!
  6. I don't care if Gerard was really tired. He's too old to throw a tantrum just because his soup was cold!
  7. Large corporations usually get what they want because they have enough money to play hardball with anyone who disagrees with them.
  8. Tim and Sara had a big fight. Tim sent Sara some flowers and now the ball is in Sara's/her court.

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