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Transportation of the future

Activity type: New product creation and poster design

Time: 20–25 minutes

Preparation: Give each pair or small group a sheet of poster paper.

Procedure: Tell students to pretend that they are transportation engineers. They are going to create a new form of transportation that uses something other than oil or gas for fuel. As a class, brainstorm a list of fuels or energy sources that might be used in the future, such as food waste, human-generated power, animal waste, water-generated power, solar power, wind power. Then have students form pairs or small groups. Assign each pair or group one of the following types of transportation:

on the sea
below the sea
with four wheels
with two wheels
by air
by rail

Tell students they are going to design a new form of transportation that can be used with one of the forms of fuel or energy that they came up with during the brainstorming session. Explain that they should not draw on their poster paper until they have finalized their ideas.

Option: Hang the finished posters around the classroom, and have students vote on the best idea and the best design.

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