Teaching Ideas
Classroom Language

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What should we do with the garbage?

Activity type: Small-group discussion

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation: None (possible prize for the contest winners)

Procedure: On the board, write the following list of objects that are commonly thrown away:

    soda bottles
    cardboard boxes
    Styrofoam cups
    plastic bags
    milk cartons
    phone books
    glass and plastic jars
    egg cartons
Divide the class into groups of three or four students. Explain that the task is to come up with a new use for one of the objects on the board. Tell them to use their imaginations and to suggest something that is either very practical or completely outrageous. If needed, give an example, such as, "Tires can be used for shoe soles."

Option: Set up a contest where the group that thinks of the most practical or the most imaginative idea wins.

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