Teaching Ideas
Classroom Language

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Activity type: Small-group discussion

Time: 20–25 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the story line sheet. Print it out. Photocopy one story line sheet for each student. Provide each small group with one sheet of poster paper.

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of three or four students. Give a story line sheet to each student and a sheet of poster paper to each group. Tell them to read their story lines and deal with any unknown vocabulary or structures that may arise. Explain that they work for a movie studio. Working in their groups, they must choose one movie story line to develop, make up a title for the film, and create a poster to advertise it. To attract the attention of moviegoers, encourage students to add made-up quotes from movie critics and a catchy line describing the film. When the groups finish, ask them to present their posters to the rest of the class.

Option: When the posters are finished, post them around the classroom and have students vote on the most original and most effective advertising approach.

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