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Let's get to know each other!

Activity type: Discussion circle

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation: None

Procedure: Tell students that they are going to get to know one another. As a class, brainstorm some appropriate "getting acquainted" questions. Divide the class into groups of six to ten students, then split each group in half. Tell one half to form a circle facing outward and the other half to form another circle around the first circle, facing inward. Make sure that each student is facing a partner in the corresponding circle. If there is a group with an odd number of students, you should join in to complete the circle. Have students take turns asking and answering questions to find out about one other. After two or three minutes, have the students in the inner circle take one step to the right and to start a new conversation with a new partner. Continue rotating until each student has talked to everyone else in the circle. Then lead a brief class discussion to find out what students said and did to make a good impression on their classmates.

Option: Instead of having the students form small groups, do the above activity with the entire class. Have half the class form an inner circle facing outward and the other half form an outer circle facing inward.

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