Teaching Ideas
Classroom Language

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Review Board Games

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Activity type: Pair puzzle/Class contest

Time: 10–15 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the puzzle sheet. Print it out. Photocopy and cut out one set of coded sentences for each student.

Procedure: Have the class form pairs. Model the activity by writing the following on the board:

    Y do U me?
Ask students to try to guess what the sentence says. They should be able to figure out that the sentence means "Why do you love me?" Give each student a set of coded sentences. Tell them not to look at it and to keep it facedown on their desk. Explain that the sheet contains sentences written in code. When you say "Go!" all the students are to turn the paper over and, working in pairs, try to decode as many sentences as possible. Tell the pairs to raise their hands and shout "Stop!" as soon as they think they have all the correct sentences. The pair that figures out all the sentences correctly first wins.

Option: Tell students to use symbols to write their own sentences or to develop a new code. Then have the students exchange papers and try to guess what their partner's sentences mean.

Correct sentences:

1.  EYE  C  th+@  U  R  .   I see that you are right.
2.  Y  R  U  so  L8?   Why are you so late?
3.  Mary    4  s+cool  B+4  Tom.   Mary left for school before Tom.
4.  EYE  have  4+got+10  UR  name.   I have forgotten your name.
5.  ∑  us  R  go+n  2  a  dance+  L+8+r  2+nite.   Some of us are going to a dance club later tonight.
6.  EYE    apple+   I love apple pie.
7.  s  R  a  girl+z  best  fr+end.   Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
8.  EYE  M  gr+8+ly  N+V+ous  of  her.   I am greatly envious of her.
9.  Ki+10+z  R  very  Q+t.   Kittens are very cute.
10.  He  w+ants  2B  a  T+chr.   He wants to be a teacher.
11.  The  f+@  c+@  s+@    in  the  3–h.   The fat cat sat up in the tree.
12.  U  R  B+U+T+ful  &  1+der+ful.   You are beautiful and wonderful.

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