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Who killed Mr. Jameson?

Activity type: Solving a murder mystery

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the background sheet and the set of clues. Print them out. Photocopy and cut out one background sheet for each student. Provide each small group with one set of clues.

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of four students. Give a background sheet to each student. Tell them to read over the information. Deal with any unknown vocabulary that may arise. Explain that they are detectives and must solve a murder mystery. Then give each group one set of 16 clues, and tell them to keep the pile facedown. Make sure that the clues are in the correct order, starting with card number 1 on the top and number 16 at the bottom. Tell the groups that they should turn over only one card at a time. As students read each clue, they should discuss the reasons why each guest might be the killer. If students have trouble getting started, write the following models on the board:

    It might be X because . . .
    It may be X because . . .
    Maybe it's X because . . .
    It could be X because . . .
    It can't be X because . . .
    It must be X because . . .
After students have gone through the entire set of clues, ask them to guess the identity of the killer. They should have come to the conclusion that the killer is Mrs. Margaret Jameson, the wife of Alfred Jameson.

Option: Divide the class into small groups of three or four students. Give a background sheet to each student, but do not give out the clues. Instead, have the students use their background sheet to create their own murder mystery using the list of suspects.

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