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Classroom Language

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What was the story?

Activity type: Chinese whispers (a listening and memory game)

Time: 10–15 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the sheet with stories. Print it out. Photocopy and cut out one story for each student.

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of eight students. Give a story strip to each student in every group. If there are fewer students in a group, use the fewer story strips, so that each student in the group has one. Let students have a few minutes to memorize the story. Tell them to also remember the story number, and then collect the stories. Ask the groups to form a circle. When you tell them to begin, the students who read the first story should retell it to the person on their right. (It is important that the other group members aren't able to hear this.) These students, in turn, should continue to pass the story on to the person on their right. When the story reaches the last students, they should repeat the version of the story that they heard. Next, the students who read the second story whisper it to the person on their right. Continue the process until all the stories have circulated completely around the circle. Then have students take turns telling the rest of the class how the final stories compared with the original versions.

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