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Activity type: Trivia game

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the game sheet and the scoreboard with point values. Print them out. Photocopy one game sheet for each student.

Procedure: Divide the class into groups of four to six students. Give each student a game sheet. Working in groups, tell students they have ten minutes to read the questions and answer as many as they can. When the time is up, choose a question and read it aloud to the class. The students who raise a hand first get to answer the question. If the answer is correct, award their group the points that correspond to that question. If the answer is wrong, give the class the answer and go on to another question. Continue at a quick pace until all the questions are answered. The group with the most points wins.

Option: Divide the class into groups of four to six students. Give each student a game sheet. Assign one category to each group. Tell them to discuss and answer the questions. Then have each group present their answers to the class. Involve the other groups by asking them if they agree or disagree with the answers. If the original group is correct, award them the points; if they are incorrect, award the points to the group or groups that disagreed.

Correct answers:  Click here for the answer key.

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