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Press conference

Activity type: Group role play

Time: 15–20 minutes

Preparation:  Click here to download the press release. Print it out. Photocopy and cut out one press release sheet for each student.

Procedure: Give each student a press release sheet. Tell them to read through it and deal with any unknown vocabulary that may arise. Explain that they are going to attend a press conference about Lisa and Bradford's engagement. Some of them will play the role of the happy couple, while others will play the role of reporters. For a class of ten, assign roles according to the following model (adapt the model to your class size):

  • Two students will play Lisa, and two students will play Bradford. The four students should form a group and agree on the details of Lisa and Bradford's romance – where, when, and how they met, and so forth.
  • Split the remaining six students into two groups of three. These students should pretend to be reporters and make a list of questions to ask the happy couple at the press conference.
Once everyone is ready, form new groups by combining one Lisa, one Bradford, and one group of reporters. Have them role-play a press conference, where the reporters ask questions and the two celebrities answer them with made-up information.

Option: During the press conference, ask students to take notes. When they finish, have them write an article about the couple for a gossip column.

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