Plan of Intro Book
Interchange Activity
Unit 1     Pages 2–7

Unit 1

It's nice to meet you.

Alphabet; greetings and leave-takings; names and titles of address; numbers 1–10 and telephone numbers

Introducing yourself and friends; saying hello and good-bye; asking for names and phone numbers Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her; the verb be: affirmative statements and contractions Listening for the spelling of names; listening for telephone numbers

Pronunciation of the alphabet and numbers 1–10
Writing a list of telephone numbers "Directory assistance": Calling the operator to find out phone numbers

Pages IC-2 and IC-4

Unit 2     Pages 8–13

Unit 2

What's this?

Possessions, classroom objects, personal items, and locations in a room

Naming objects; asking for and giving the location of an object Articles a, an, and the; this/it and these/they; plurals; yes/no and where questions with be; prepositions of place Listening to find the location of an item

Pronunciation of plural s
Writing the location of objects "Find the differences": Comparing two rooms

Page IC-3

Unit 3     Pages 14–19

Unit 3

Where are you from?

Cities, countries, and regions; adjectives of personality; numbers to 100 and age

Talking about geographical locations; asking for and giving information about places of origin, nationality, native language, and age; describing people The verb be: affirmative and negative statements, yes/no questions, short answers, and Wh-questions Listening for countries and languages; listening to descriptions of people

Syllabic stress of numbers; blending with is and are
Writing questions requesting personal information "Class personalities": Identifying classmates' personality traits

Page IC-5

Unit 4     Pages 20–25

Unit 4

I'm not wearing boots!

Clothing; colors; seasons of the year; weather

Asking about and describing clothing; talking about the weather; finding the owner of an item Possessive adjectives our, their, and possessives of names; present continuous affirmative and negative statements; isn't and aren't; conjunctions and and but; color adjectives before nouns Listening for descriptions of clothing

Sentence stress and rhythm
Writing questions about what people are wearing "Celebrity fashions": Describing celebrities' clothing

Pages IC-6 and IC-7

Review of Units 1–4      Pages 26–27  
Interchange Activity
Unit 5     Pages 28–33

Unit 5

What are you doing?

Times of the day, clock time; daily activities, Saturday activities

Asking for and telling time; asking about and describing current activities Questions with what time; what + doing and Wh-questions with the present continuous; conjunction so Listening for the time; listening to identify what people are doing

Question intonation
Writing about what people are doing

"It's Saturday! What Are You Doing?": Reading about Saturday activities
"Time zones": Talking about what people are doing in different cities around the world

Page IC-8

Unit 6     Pages 34–39

Unit 6

We live in the suburbs.

Places and transportation; family relationships; daily routines; days of the week

Asking for and giving information about where people live and how they go to work or school; talking about family members; talking about daily routines Simple present statements with regular and irregular verbs; simple present yes/no and Wh-questions; time expressions Listening to people describe how they go to work or school; listening for days of the week

Pronunciation of third-person singular s
Writing about daily schedules and habits

"What's Your Schedule Like?": Reading about daily schedules
"Class survey": Finding out more about classmates' daily schedules and habits

Page IC-9 

Unit 7     Pages 40–45

Unit 7

Does the apartment have a view?

Houses and apartments; rooms; furniture

Asking about and describing homes; saying what furniture is in a room Simple present short answers; how many; there is, there are; there's no, there isn't a, there are no, there aren't any Listening to descriptions of houses and apartments; listening to people shop for furniture

Pronunciation of th
Writing about a dream house

"Two Special Houses in the American Southwest": Reading about unique houses
"Find the differences": Comparing two apartments

Page IC-10

Unit 8     Pages 46–51

Unit 8

What do you do?

Occupations and workplaces

Asking for and giving information about work; giving opinions about jobs Simple present Wh-questions with do; placement of adjectives before nouns; descriptive adjectives for occupations Listening to people describe their jobs

Reduction of do and does
Writing about jobs

"What Do You Do, Exactly?": Reading about people's occupations
"The perfect job": Figuring out what job is right for you

Page IC-11

Review of Units 5–8      Pages 52–53  
Interchange Activity
Unit 9     Pages 54–59

Unit 9

Broccoli is good for you.

Food Pyramid: basic foods; desserts; meals

Talking about foods that are good or bad for you, food likes and dislikes, and eating habits; talking about food items you need Countable and uncountable nouns; some and any; adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never Listening for people's food preferences

Sentence stress
Writing questions about personal eating habits

"Eating for Good Luck": Reading about foods that people eat for good luck
"Eating habits": Taking a survey about foods you eat

Page IC-12

Unit 10     Pages 60–65

Unit 10

You can play baseball really well.

Sports; talents and abilities

Talking about sports you like and dislike; talking about talents and abilities Simple present Wh-questions; can for ability Listening for people's favorite sports; listening to people describe their talents

Pronunciation of can and can't
Writing Wh-questions about sports

"Race the U.S.!": Reading about unusual races in the U.S.
"Hidden talents": Learning about your classmates' special talents

Page IC-13

Unit 11     Pages 66–71

Unit 11

What are you going to do?

Months and dates; birthdays, holidays, and celebrations

Saying dates; asking about birthdays; asking for and giving information about future plans, holidays, and celebrations The future with be going to: Wh-questions with be going to; future time expressions Listening to people talk about evening plans

Pronunciation of going to
Writing about weekend plans

"What Are You Going to Do on Your Birthday?": Reading about birthday customs in different places
"Celebrations": Talking about how people celebrate special events

Page IC-14

Unit 12     Pages 72–77

Unit 12

What's the matter?

Parts of the body; health problems and advice; medications

Talking about illnesses and health problems; giving advice; giving instructions Have + noun; feel + adjective; affirmative and negative imperatives Listening to people talk about health problems; listening for medications and instructions

Sentence stress
Writing advice for improving your health

"10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health": Reading about healthy habits
"Helpful advice": Giving advice for some common problems

Page IC-15

Review of Units 9–12      Pages 78–79  
Interchange Activity
Unit 13     Pages 80–85

Unit 13

You can't miss it.

Stores and things you can buy; locations in a city; tourist attractions

Talking about shopping; asking for and giving locations and directions Prepositions of place: on, on the corner of, across from, next to, between; giving directions with imperatives Listening to people talk about shopping; listening to directions

Intonation for checking information
Writing directions

"A Walk up Fifth Avenue": Reading about New York City landmarks
"Directions": Finding your way around a neighborhood

Pages IC-16 and IC-18

Unit 14     Pages 86–91

Unit 14

Did you have a good weekend?

Weekends: household chores and leisure activities

Asking for and giving information about activities in the recent past Simple past statements with regular and irregular verbs; simple past yes/no questions and short answers Listening to people talk about their past weekend activities

Pronunciation of regular simple past verb endings: /t/, /d/, /Id/
Writing about weekend activities in the recent past

"The Changing Weekend": Reading a short history of the U.S. weekend
"Past and present": Comparing your classmates' present lives with their childhoods

Page IC-17

Unit 15     Pages 92–97

Unit 15

Where were you born?

Biographical information; years; school subjects

Asking for and giving information about date and place of birth, school experiences, and the recent past Statements and questions with the past of be; Wh-questions with did, was, and were Listening for place and date of birth

Pronunciation of negative contractions
Writing Wh-questions about artists' lives

"Three Famous Artists": Reading about Hiroshige, Frida Kahlo, and Alexander Calder
"Time line": Mapping out important events in your life

Page IC-20

Unit 16     Pages 98–103

Unit 16

Please leave us a message.

Telephone calls and invitations; going out with friends

Making phone calls; leaving phone messages; inviting people and accepting and declining invitations; making excuses Object pronouns; verb + to + verb; would Listening to people make phone calls; listening for information in telephone messages

Pronunciation of want to and have to
Writing about things you want to do

"Free Activities This Weekend": Reading notices about events
"Let's make a date!": Making a date

Pages IC-19 and IC-21

Review of Units 13–16      Pages 104–105  
Unit Summaries     Pages S-2–S-17  