Plan of Book 1
Interchange Activity
Unit 1     Pages 2–7

Unit 1

Please call me Chuck.

Introductions and greetings; names and titles; countries and nationalities

Introducing yourself; introducing someone; checking information; asking about someone; exchanging personal information Wh-questions and statements with be; yes/no questions and short answers with be; contractions; subject pronouns; possessive adjectives Recognizing formal and informal names; listening for personal information

Intonation of clarification questions

Writing questions requesting personal information

“Meeting and Greeting Customs”: Reading about greeting customs

“Getting to know you”: Collecting personal information from classmates

Page IC-2

Unit 2     Pages 8–13

Unit 2

How do you spend your day?

Occupations, workplaces, and school; daily schedules; clock time

Describing work and school; asking for and giving opinions; talking about daily schedules Simple present Wh-questions and statements; time expressions: at, in, on, around, until, before, after, early, and late Listening to descriptions of jobs and daily schedules

Unstressed words

Writing a description of an occupation

“The Daily Grind”: Reading about students with part-time work

“Common ground”: Finding similarities in classmates’ daily schedules

Page IC-3

Unit 3     Pages 14–19

Unit 3

How much is it?

Spending habits, shopping, and prices; clothing and personal items; colors and materials

Talking about prices; giving opinions; talking about preferences; making comparisons; buying and selling things Demonstratives: this, that, these, those; one and ones; questions: how much and which; comparisons with adjectives Listening to people shopping; listening for items, prices, and opinions

Linked sounds

Writing a comparison of prices in different countries

“Shop Till You Drop”: Reading about different kinds of shopping

“Swap meet”: Buying and selling things

Pages IC-4 and IC-5

Unit 4     Pages 20–25

Unit 4

Do you like jazz?

Music, movies, TV programs; entertainers; invitations and excuses; dates and times

Talking about likes and dislikes; giving opinions; making invitations and excuses Simple present yes/no and Wh-questions with do; question: what kind; object pronouns; modal verb would; verb + to + verb Identifying musical styles; listening for likes and dislikes; listening to invitations

Question intonation

Writing invitations and excuses

“The Sound of Music”: Reading about musicians from around the world

“What an invitation! What an excuse!”: Making up unusual invitations and excuses

Page IC-6

Review of Units 1–4      Pages 26–27  
Interchange Activity
Unit 5     Pages 28–33

Unit 5

Tell me about your family.

Families and family life

Talking about families and family members; exchanging information about the present; describing family life Present continuous yes/no and Wh-questions, statements, and short answers; determiners: all, nearly all, most, many, a lot of, some, not many, a few, and few Listening for family relationships; listening to information about families and family life

Blending with does

Writing a description of family life

“The Changing Family”: Reading about an American family

“Family facts”: Finding out information about classmates’ families and family members

Page IC-7

Unit 6     Pages 34–39

Unit 6

How often do you exercise?

Sports and exercise; routines

Asking about and describing routines and exercise; talking about frequency; talking about abilities Adverbs of frequency: always, almost always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly ever, almost never, never; questions with how: how often, how much time, how long, how well, how good; short answers Listening to people talk about free-time activities; listening to routines; listening to descriptions of sports participation

Sentence stress

Writing a description of favorite activities

“Smart Moves”: Reading about fitness for the brain

“Fitness quiz”: Interviewing about fitness habits

Page IC-8

Unit 7     Pages 40–45

Unit 7

We had a great time!

Free-time and weekend activities; vacations

Talking about past events; giving opinions about past experiences; talking about vacations Past tense yes/no and Wh-questions, statements, and short answers with regular and irregular verbs; past tense of be Listening to descriptions and opinions of past events and vacations

Reduced forms of did you

Writing a postcard

“Vacation Postcards”: Reading about different kinds of vacations

“Vacation photos”: Telling a story using pictures

Pages IC-9 and IC-10

Unit 8     Pages 46–51

Unit 8

How do you like the neighborhood?

Stores and places in a city; neighborhoods; houses and apartments

Asking about and describing locations of places; asking about and describing neighborhoods; asking about quantities There is/there are; one, any, some; prepositions of place; questions: how much and how many; countable and uncountable nouns Listening for locations of places; listening to descriptions of places in neighborhoods

Reduced forms of there is and there are

Writing a description of a home

“City Scenes”: Reading about neighborhood life in cities around the world

“Neighborhood survey”: Comparing two neighborhoods

Page IC-11

Review of Units 5–8      Pages 52–53  
Interchange Activity
Unit 9     Pages 54–59

Unit 9

What does he look like?

Appearance and dress; clothing and clothing styles; people

Asking about and describing people’s appearance; identifying people Questions for describing people: What . . . look like, how old, what color, how long, how tall; modifiers with participles and prepositions Listening to descriptions of people; identifying people

Contrastive stress

Writing a description of someone

“Hip-Hop Fashions”: Reading about clothing styles

“Find the differences”: Comparing two pictures of a party

Pages IC-12 and IC-14

Unit 10     Pages 60–65

Unit 10

Have you ever ridden a camel?

Past experiences; unusual events

Describing past experiences; making plans; exchanging information about past experiences and events Present perfect yes/no questions and statements; regular and irregular past participles; already and yet; present perfect and past tense contrast Listening for time and place of an event; listening to descriptions of events

Pronunciation of have

Writing a description of an unusual activity

“Taking the Risk”: Reading about unusual or dangerous sports

“Lifestyles survey”: Finding out about a classmate’s lifestyle

Page IC-13

Unit 11     Pages 66–71

Unit 11

It’s a very exciting city!

Cities; hometowns; countries

Asking about and describing cities; asking for and giving suggestions; talking about travel and tourism Adverbs and adjectives; conjunctions: and, but, however, and though; modal verbs can and should Listening to descriptions of cities and hometowns; listening for incorrect information

Pronunciation of can’t and shouldn’t

Writing a description of an interesting city

“Famous Cities”: Reading about cities around the world

“City guide”: Creating a city guide

Page IC-15

Unit 12     Pages 72–77

Unit 12

It really works!

Health problems; medications and remedies

Talking about health problems; asking for and giving advice; making requests; asking for and giving suggestions Infinitive complements; modal verbs can, could, and may for requests Listening to advice; listening to requests in a drugstore

Reduced form of to

Writing about a home remedy

"Grandma Knows Best!”: Reading about home remedies

“Talk radio”: Giving advice to callers on a radio program

Page IC-16

Review of Units 9–12      Pages 78–79  
Interchange Activity
Unit 13     Pages 80–85

Unit 13

May I take your order, please?

Food and restaurants

Expressing likes and dislikes; agreeing and disagreeing; ordering a meal So, neither, too, and either; modal verbs would and will for requests Listening to people make dinner plans; listening to restaurant orders

Stress in responses

Writing a restaurant review

“To Tip or Not to Tip?”: Reading about tipping customs

“Are you ready to order?”: Ordering a meal in a restaurant

Pages IC-17 and IC-18

Unit 14      Pages 86–91

Unit 14

The biggest and the best!

World geography; countries; the environment

Describing countries; making comparisons; expressing opinions; talking about distance and measurements Comparative and superlative of adjectives; questions with how: how far, how big, how high, how deep, how long, how hot, and how cold Listening to a TV game show; listening for information about a country

Intonation in questions of choice

Writing about an interesting or beautiful place

“Things You Can Do to Help the Environment”: Reading about the environment

“How much do you know?”: Taking a quiz on general knowledge

Page IC-19

Unit 15     Pages 92–97

Unit 15

I’m going to see a musical.

Invitations; leisure-time activities; telephone messages

Talking about plans; making invitations; accepting and refusing invitations; giving reasons; taking and leaving messages Future with present continuous and be going to; messages with tell and ask Listening for information about invitations; receiving telephone messages

Reduced forms of could you and would you

Writing a request to give a message

“Ways to Keep Phone Calls Short”: Reading about telephone manners

“What are you going to do?”: Finding out about classmates’ weekend plans

Page IC-20

Unit 16     Pages 98–103

Unit 16

A change for the better!

Life changes; plans and hopes for the future

Exchanging personal information; describing changes; talking about plans for the future Describing changes with the present tense, the comparative, the past tense, and the present perfect; verb + infinitive Listening to descriptions of changes; listening to hopes for the future

Reduced form of to

Writing about future plans

“The Future Looks Bright”: Reading about the plans of three successful students

“Unfold your future!”: Planning a possible future

Page IC-21

Review of Units 13–16       Pages 104–105  
Unit Summaries     Pages S-2–S-17  