Plan of Book 2
Interchange Activity
Unit 1     Pages 2–7

Unit 1

A time to remember

People; childhood; reminiscences

Introducing yourself; talking about yourself; exchanging personal information; remembering your childhood; asking about someone's childhood Past tense; used to for habitual actions Listening to people talk about their past; listening for personal information

Reduced form of used to

Writing an autobiography

"Joan Chen": Reading about an actress's career

"Class profile": Finding out about a classmate's childhood

Page IC-2

Unit 2     Pages 8–13

Unit 2

Caught in the rush

Transportation; transportation problems; city services

Talking about transportation and transportation problems; evaluating city services; asking for and giving information Adverbs of quantity with countable and uncountable nouns: too many, too much, not enough, more, fewer, less; indirect questions from Wh-questions Listening to a description of a transportation system; listening for incorrect information; listening to people ask for information

Question intonation in Wh-questions and indirect questions

Writing a description of a city's transportation services

"Stuck in an airport?: What to do . . .": Reading about ways to spend time in an airport

"Making the city better": Suggesting ways to improve a city

Page IC-3

Unit 3     Pages 14–19

Unit 3

Time for a change!

Houses and apartments; lifestyle changes; wishes

Describing positive and negative features; making comparisons; talking about lifestyle changes; expressing wishes Evaluations and comparisons with adjectives: not . . . enough, too, not as . . . as, as . . . as; evaluations and comparisons with nouns: not enough . . ., as many . . . as; wish Listening to descriptions of apartments for rent; listening to comparisons; listening to people talk about lifestyle changes

Sentence stress

Writing about a wish

"Dreams Can Come True": Reading about people who changed their lifestyles

"Wishful thinking": Finding out about classmates' wishes

Page IC-4

Unit 4      Pages 20–25

Unit 4

I've never heard of that!

Food; recipes; instructions; cooking methods

Talking about food; expressing likes and dislikes; describing a favorite snack; giving instructions Simple past vs. present perfect; sequence adverbs: first, then, next, after that, finally Listening to descriptions of foods; listening to recipes

Reduced forms of did you and have you

Writing a recipe

"Eating for Energy": Reading about how food affects physical and mental performance

"Risky business": Collecting personal information from classmates

Page IC-5

Review of Units 1–4      Pages 26–27  
Interchange Activity
Unit 5     Pages 28–33

Unit 5

Going Places

Travel; vacations; plans

Describing vacation plans; giving travel advice; planning a vacation Future with be going to and will; modals for necessity and suggestion: (don't) have to, must, need to, had better, ought to, should Listening for descriptions of vacation plans; listening to travel advice

Reduced forms of ought to and have to

Writing about a vacation

"Getting More for Less When You Travel": Reading about how to save money on travel arrangements

"Fun vacations": Deciding on a trip

Pages IC-6 and IC-8

Unit 6     Pages 34–39

Unit 6

Sure. No Problem!

Complaints; household chores; requests; excuses; apologies

Making requests; accepting and refusing requests; complaining; apologizing; giving excuses Two-part verbs; will for responding to requests; requests with modals and Would you mind . . .? Listening to requests; listening to complaints, excuses, and apologies

Stress with two-part verbs

Writing a persuasive letter

"Summer in the Country": Reading about the Fresh Air Fund

"That's no excuse!": Apologizing and making excuses

Page IC-7

Unit 7     Pages 40–45

Unit 7

What's this for?

Technology; instructions

Describing technology; giving instructions; giving advice Infinitives and gerunds; infinitive complements Listening to people describe how to use technology; listening to advice

Syllable stress

Writing advice about a useful item

"A Day in Your Life – In the Year 2020": Reading about life in the future

"Good Advice": Giving advice to classmates

Pages IC-9 and IC-10

Unit 8     Pages 46–51

Unit 8

Let's celebrate!

Holidays; festivals; customs; celebrations

Describing holidays, festivals, customs, and special events Relative clauses of time; adverbial clauses of time: before, when, after Listening to descriptions of special days and customs

Stress and rhythm

Writing about a holiday or festival

"Unusual Customs": Reading about holidays and unusual customs

"Once in a blue moon": Finding out how classmates celebrate special days

Page IC-11

Review of Units 5–8      Pages 52–53  
Interchange Activity
Unit 9     Pages 54–59

Unit 9

Back to the future

Life in the past, present, and future; changes and contrasts; consequences

Talking about change; comparing time periods; describing possibilities Time contrasts; conditional sentences with if clauses Listening to people talk about changes; listening to possible solutions to a problem


Writing about future hopes

"Are You in Love?": Reading about the signs of being in love

"Consider the consequences": Agreeing and disagreeing with classmates

Page IC-12

Unit 10     Pages 60–65

Unit 10

I don't like working on weekends!

Abilities and skills; job preferences; personality traits; careers

Describing abilities and skills; talking about job preferences; describing personality traits Gerunds; short responses; clauses with because Listening for job requirements; listening to people talk about their interests; listening to personality traits

Final t in not, don't, and can't

Writing a personality description

"Find the Job That's Right for You!": Reading about how to find the perfect job

"Dream job": Hiring an employee

Pages IC-13 and IC-14

Unit 11     Pages 66–71

Unit 11

It's really worth seeing!

Landmarks and monuments; aspects of countries; world knowledge

Talking about landmarks and monuments; describing countries; discussing facts Passive with by (simple past); passive without by (simple present) Listening to descriptions of monuments; listening for information about a country

Linked sounds

Writing about a country

"Seven Modern Wonders of the World": Reading about the modern wonders of the world

"Traveler's profile": Finding out about classmates' travel habits

Page IC-15

Unit 12     Pages 72–77

Unit 12

It's been a long time!

Information about someone's past; recent past events

Asking about someone's past; describing recent experiences Past continuous vs. simple past; present perfect continuous Listening to people talk about events in their careers; listening for information about someone's recent past

Contrastive stress

Writing a biography

"Child Prodigies": Reading about child prodigies

"Life is like a game!": Finding out about classmates' lives

Page IC-16

Review of Units 9–12      Pages 78–79  
Interchange Activity
Unit 13     Pages 80–85

Unit 13

A terrific book, but a terrible movie!

Entertainment; movies and books; reactions and opinions

Describing movies and books; talking about actors and actresses; asking for and giving reactions and opinions Participles as adjectives; relative clauses Listening for opinions; listening to a movie review

Word and sentence stress

Writing a movie review

"Star Wars": Reading three movie reviews

"At the movies": Asking classmates' opinions about movies and actors

Page IC-17

Unit 14     Pages 86–91

Unit 14

So that's what it means!

Nonverbal communication; gestures and meanings; emotions; proverbs; signs and meanings; drawing conclusions

Interpreting body language; explaining gestures and meanings; describing emotions; explaining proverbs; asking about signs and meanings Modals and adverbs: might, may, could, must, maybe, perhaps, probably; permission, obligation, and prohibition Listening to people interpret meanings; listening to people talk about the meanings of signs

Emphatic stress

Writing an interpretation of a proverb

"Body Language: What Does It Say?": Reading about body language

"What's going on?": Interpreting body language

Page IC-18

Unit 15     Pages 92–97

Unit 15

What would you do?

Money; hopes; predicaments; speculations

Speculating about past and future events; describing a predicament; giving advice and suggestions Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses; past modals Listening to people talk about predicaments; listening to advice and suggestions

Reduced form of have

Writing a letter asking for advice

"Ask Alice": Reading an advice column

"Do the right thing!": Deciding what to do in a difficult situation

Page IC-20

Unit 16     Pages 98–103

Unit 16

What's your excuse?

Requests; excuses; invitations; "white lies"

Reporting what people say; making requests; making invitations and excuses Reported speech: requests; reported speech Listening for excuses; receiving telephone messages

Reduced forms of had, would, and was

Writing telephone messages

"The Truth About Lying": Reading about "white lies"

"Excuses, excuses": Making up excuses

Pages IC-19 and IC-21

Review of Units 13–16      Pages 104–105  
Unit Summaries     Pages S-2–S-17  