Plan of Book 3
Interchange Activity
Unit 1     Pages 2–7

Unit 1

That's what friends are for!

Personality types and qualities; relationships; "turn ons and turn offs"

Describing personalities; expressing likes and dislikes; expressing agreement and disagreement; complaining Relative pronouns as subjects and objects; clauses containing it with adverbial clauses Listening for opinions; listening to descriptions of people; making inferences

Emphatic stress

Writing about a best friend

"Friends Again – Forever!": Reading a narrative about friendship

"Personality types": Interviewing a classmate to find out about personality

Page IC-2

Unit 2     Pages 8–13

Unit 2

Career moves

Unusual and exceptional jobs; job skills; summer jobs

Giving opinions about jobs; describing and comparing jobs Gerund phrases as subjects and objects; comparisons with -er / more / less than and as . . . as Listening to descriptions of jobs; listening for likes and dislikes

Sentence stress

Writing about career advantages and disadvantages

"Strategies for Keeping Your Job": Reading advice about behavior in the workplace

"The best and the worst": Finding out about classmates' summer or part-time jobs

Page IC-3

Unit 3     Pages 14–19

Unit 3

Could you do me a favor?

Favors; informal and formal requests; messages

Making requests; accepting and declining requests; leaving messages Requests with modals and if clauses; indirect requests Listening to requests; listening to someone talk about plans

Blended consonants

Writing a note asking for a favor

"Yes or No?": Reading about cultural misunderstandings

"Borrowers and lenders": Playing a game about borrowing and lending

Page IC-4

Unit 4      Pages 20–25

Unit 4

What a story!

The media; news stories; exceptional events

Describing past events; narrating a story Past continuous and simple past; past perfect Listening to news broadcasts; listening to a narrative about a past event; making up stories

Intonation in complex sentences

Writing a newspaper story

"Strange but True": Reading tabloid news stories

"A double ending": Completing a story with two different endings

Pages IC-5 and IC-6

Review of Units 1–4      Pages 26–27  
Interchange Activity
Unit 5     Pages 28–33

Unit 5

Crossing cultures

Cultural comparisons and culture shock; customs; tourism and travel abroad

Expressing emotions; describing expectations; talking about customs; giving advice Noun phrases containing relative clauses; expectations: (not) supposed to, expected to, the custom to, (not) acceptable to Listening for information about living abroad; listening to descriptions of and opinions about customs

Stress with key words

Writing advice for a visitor to your country

"Culture Check" Reading and completing a questionnaire

"Culture clash": Comparing customs in different countries

Page IC-7

Unit 6     Pages 34–39

Unit 6

What's wrong with it?

Consumer complaints; everyday problems; household appliances; repairs

Describing problems; making complaints; explaining something that needs to be done Describing problems with past participles as adjectives, verbs, and nouns; need with passive infinitives and gerunds Listening to people exchanging things in a store; listening to complaints; listening to repair people describing their jobs

Contrastive stress

Writing a letter of complaint

"Consumer Affairs": Reading about how to complain to a business

"Fixer-upper": Comparing problems in two pictures of a home

Pages IC-8 and IC-9

Unit 7     Pages 40–45

Unit 7

The world we live in

The environment and world issues

Identifying and describing problems; offering solutions Passive in the present continuous and present perfect; prepositions of cause; infinitive clauses and phrases Listening to people talk about problems, solutions, and accomplishments

Reduction of auxiliary verbs

Writing about local issues and offering solutions

"The Threat to Kiribati: Reading about an island that is sinking into the sea

"Community planner": Solving some small-scale environmental problems

Page IC-10

Unit 8     Pages 46–51

Unit 8

Learning to learn

Education; learner choices; ways to improve learning; personal qualities

Asking about preferences; talking about learning methods; talking about personal qualities Would rather and would prefer; by + gerund for manner Listening to descriptions of school courses; listening to advice; listening for and comparing ways of learning

Intonation in questions of choice

Writing a how-to paper

"Learning Styles": Reading about different modes of learning

"Learning curves": Finding out what your classmates want to learn about

Page IC-11

Review of Units 5–8      Pages 52–53  
Interchange Activity
Unit 9     Pages 54–59

Unit 9


Unusual services; recommendations; self-improvement

Talking about things you need to have done; asking for and giving advice or suggestions Have or get something done (active and passive); suggestions with gerunds, infinitives, base-form verbs, and negative questions Listening to predictions about the future; making inferences; listening for reasons; choosing the best suggestions

Sentence stress in active and passive Wh-questions

Writing a letter of advice

"How to Improve Your Memory": Reading about techniques to improve your memory

"Keeping up appearances": Giving advice about teenage problems

Page IC-12

Unit 10     Pages 60–65

Unit 10

The past and the future

Historic events and people; biography; the future

Talking about historical events; giving opinions about the future Referring to time in the past with adverbs and prepositions: during, in, ago, from . . . to, for, since; describing future time with will, be going to, future continuous, and future perfect Listening to historical facts; listening for opinions about public figures; listening to predictions

Syllable stress

Writing a biography

"The Global Village": Reading about political and technological changes

"History buff": Taking a history quiz

Pages IC-13 and IC-14

Unit 11     Pages 66–71

Unit 11

Life's little lessons

Milestones and turning points; behavior; regrets

Describing yourself in the past; describing regrets about the past; describing hypothetical situations Time clauses: after, as soon as, before, by the time, once, the moment, until; describing regrets about the past with should have + past participle and if clauses + past perfect Listening to descriptions of important events; listening to regrets and explanations

Reduced forms of have and been

Writing about turning points

"If You Could Do It All Again": Reading about three people's life choices

"If only . . . .": Imagining different possibilities for yourself

Page IC-15

Unit 12     Pages 72–77

Unit 12

The right stuff

Success; business; advertising

Describing the purpose of something; describing qualities for success; describing features; giving reasons; talking about ads Infinitive clauses and phrases of purpose: in order to, in order for; describing features with noun phrases; giving reasons with because, because of, the reason Listening to a description of a business; listening for reasons; listening to radio commercials

Reduced forms of small words

Writing about how to successfully sell something

"The Wrong Stuff": Reading about advertising failures

"A picture's worth . . .": Talking about how advertisements work

Pages IC-16 and IC-17

Review of Units 9–12      Pages 78–79  
Interchange Activity
Unit 13     Pages 80–85

Unit 13

That's a possibility.

Common mysteries and unexplained events; points of view; predicaments

Offering explanations; drawing conclusions; describing hypothetical events Past modals for degrees of certainty: must have, may have, could have, might have; past modals for opinions and advice: should have, would have, could have Listening to explanations; choosing the best suggestions

Reduced forms in past modals

Writing about an awkward situation

"The Blue Lights of Silver Cliff": Reading a ghost story

"Photo plays": Drawing conclusions about unexplained events

Page IC-18

Unit 14     Pages 86–91

Unit 14

Behind the scenes

How a movie is made; processes; the media and entertainment industries

Describing how something is done, used, or made; describing careers in the media and entertainment industries The passive to describe process with be and modals; defining and non-defining relative clauses Listening to someone describe working in the movies; listening to an interview

Stress in compound nouns

Writing about how something is done

"Coming Soon to a Theater Near You!": Reading about special effects in the movies

"Who makes it happen?": Figuring out who makes different businesses work

Page IC-19

Unit 15     Pages 92–97

Unit 15

There should be a law!

Opinions; problems; social and controversial issues

Making a recommendation; giving and acknowledging opinions; asking for and giving reasons; agreeing and disagreeing Recommendations with passive modals: ought to be, should be, has got to be, must be; tag questions Listening for solutions to everyday annoyances; listening for issues and opinions

Intonation in tag questions

Writing an opinion paper

"Habitat for Humanity": Reading about a socially responsible organization

"Setting the rules": Making up your own rules

Page IC-20

Unit 16     Pages 98–103

Unit 16

Challenges and accomplishments

Challenges; accomplishments; assessing your life

Describing challenges, frustrations, and rewards; talking about the past and the future Complex noun phrases with gerunds; tense review: present perfect, simple past, future perfect and would like to have + past participle Listening to descriptions of challenges and rewards; listening to future plans

Consonant blends

Writing about accomplishments and goals

"Adam Ezra Cohen: Westinghouse Winner": Reading about a young prize-winning scientist

"Viewpoints:" Taking a survey about volunteering

Page IC-21

Review of Units 13–16      Pages 104–105  
Unit Summaries     Pages S-2–S-17  