ELT Switzerland 6th Annual Cambridge Day and 425th Anniversary Celebrations, Bern Nov 7th 2009

Over two hundred and fifty teachers and decision makers attended our recent Cambridge Day held at the Uni-S in Bern.

Anne O'Keefe did the morning plenary - What can we learn from our learners' grammar? which was well received by all. This was followed by a series of parallel workshops, lunch and a final set of workshops which included face2face, Complete CAE, Discovery Readers, Financial English, Business Grammar, Young Learners and ESP. Not to forget lunch!

We also took the opportunity to do a second launch of Cambridge Discovery Readers and to introduce the new Business Grammar.

The afternoon finished with a closing plenary by Melissa Good - English profile - setting industry standards for English language learners, followed by our 425th Anniversary celebration. 425th Anniversary cupcakes and a glass of Swiss wine was the perfect ending to another great Cambridge Day.

Thanks to all of the CUP staff and presenters who helped make the event such a success.


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