
The Connect Oral Quizzes consist of questions that you can ask to evaluate your students’ speaking ability. They can be given after students have taken an Evaluation Test, or at the teacher’s discretion. For all questions, sample answers and a rating column are provided.

To download a Connect Oral Quiz, click on the Download button at left.

How to give an oral quiz
Prepare for the quiz

Make copies of the appropriate Oral Placement Quiz - one for every student you will evaluate.

Choose the questions you want to ask.

Begin the quiz

Tell students that the quiz will help you to assess their progress in speaking.

Tell students that they may not use a dictionary or their Student’s Book during the oral quiz.


Give the quiz

Ask students the questions you chose. It is not necessary to ask all the questions you chose. Ask the ones you feel are appropriate. If you can’t interview students individually, ask the questions to groups of three or four students.

As you ask the questions, rate the student (see How to Evaluate and Score an Oral Quiz below).



How to Evaluate and Score an Oral Quiz

During the quiz

It is important to consider content as well as accuracy when evaluating a student’s response. Performance is rated with a plus sign (+), a check (), or a minus sign (-), as follows:
+ = very good to excellent response
= appropriate or adequate response
- = inadequate response

After a student has answered a question, rate him / her in the rating column.


After the quiz

Total the number of +’s, ‘s, and -’s for each student. Enter the number at the bottom of the rating column. Then calculate the percentage of correct answers out of the total number of questions you asked.

Rating Score
+ 2
- 0

The Connect Placement and Evaluation Package, a more extensive set of Placement and Evaluation Tests, is available on CD-ROM. To learn more, click on the Tests CD-ROM button at left.