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Business English Vocabulary Online

Unit 10 Marketing

You can print out this wordlist for Unit 10 of New International Business English - or you can click on any of the highlighted words for further explanations and sample sentences on the Cambridge Dictionaries Online website.


brand noun
a type of product made by a particular company

commercial noun
an advertisement which is broadcast on television or radio

demand verb
to ask for forcefully, in a way that shows that a refusal is not expected, or to need

design noun
a pattern used to decorate something

distribute verb
to share or give (something) out to several people, or to spread, scatter or supply (something) over an area

end user noun
The end user of something is the person or organization that uses it rather than an organization which trades in it.

hire purchase noun
a system of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is reduced to nothing

label noun
a piece of paper or other material which is stuck on or joined to an object, telling you what the object is, how to use it, to whom it belongs or other information

opportunity noun
an occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something

outlet noun
a shop that is one of many owned by a particular company and that sells the goods which the company has produced

PR = public relations noun
Public relations ( PR) is the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.

promote verb
to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of (something)

publicity noun
the activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activity

taste noun
a person's appreciation of and liking for particular things

threat noun
a suggestion that something unpleasant will happen, esp. if a particular action or order is not followed

benefit noun
a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help

cross-refer verb
to direct (a reader) from one place in a book to another place in the same book

desire verb
to want (something), esp. strongly

feature noun
an esp. typical quality or important part

nostalgia noun
a feeling of pleasure and sometimes slight sadness at the same time as you think about things that happened in the past

update verb
to make (something) more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design

brochure noun
a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company

bubble gum noun
chewing gum that you can blow into the shape of a bubble

comic adjective
making you want to laugh; amusing

direct mail
a way of selling a product, or trying to obtain money for charity, by writing to people to try and persuade them to buy the product or give money

liqueur noun
a strong sweet alcoholic drink which is usually drunk in small amounts at the end of a meal

press release noun
a public statement given to the press to publish if they wish

stand noun
a small shop or stall or an area where products can be shown, usually outside or in a large public building, at which people can buy things or obtain information

word of mouth
By word of mouth means in speech but not in writing.

break into [something] phrasal verb
to suddenly begin to do something

probability noun
The probability of something happening or being true is how likely it is that it will happen or be true.

predict verb
to say that (an event or action) will happen in the future, esp. as a result of knowledge or experience

forecast noun
a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, esp. in connection with a particular situation, or of the expected weather conditions

gloom noun
feelings of hopelessness or great unhappiness; great pessimism

hospitality noun
the food, drink and other comforts that an organization sometimes provides in order to keep its guests happy.

landscape noun
a large area of countryside, esp. in relation to its appearance

misconception noun
A misconception is an idea which is wrong that has been based on a failure to understand a situation.

package tour noun
a holiday at a fixed price in which the travel company arranges your travel, hotels and sometimes meals for you

questionnaire noun
a written list of questions that a number of people are asked to complete so that information can be collected

wilderness noun
an area of land that has not been cultivated or had towns and roads built on it, esp. because it is difficult to live in as a result of its extremely cold or hot weather or bad earth

manure noun
excrement from animals, esp. horses, which is spread on the land in order to make plants grow well

trend noun
a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving

impact noun
the force with which one thing hits another or with which two things hit each other

literature noun
printed material published by a company which is intended to encourage people to buy that company's products or services