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Business English Vocabulary Online

Unit 11 Meetings

You can print out this wordlist for Unit 11 of New International Business English - or you can click on any of the highlighted words for further explanations and sample sentences on the Cambridge Dictionaries Online website.


chair noun
(the official position of) a person in charge of a meeting or organization, or a position in an official group, or the person in charge of or having an important position in a college or university department

designate verb
to choose (someone) officially to do a particular job or to state officially that (something or a place) has a particular character

flexitime noun
a system of working according to which people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time, but can vary the time they start or finish work

full-time adjective, adverb
Full-time work or education is done for the whole of a working week.

part-time adjective, adverb
If you work part-time or do part-time work, you work for only some of the day or the week.

stipulate verb
to state exactly how (something) must be or must be done

premise noun
an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based

arise verb
to happen

boundary noun
a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something

cautious adjective
A cautious person takes care to avoid risks.

crockery noun
cups, plates, bowls, etc., used to serve food and drink, esp. made of baked clay

cutlery noun
knives, forks and spoons used for eating food

leak verb
to allow (secret information) to become generally known

on the spot
On the spot means at the place where an event is happening or has recently happened.

territory noun
(an area of) esp. land or sea, which is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person

verbal adjective
spoken rather than written

adjourn verb
to make a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial

duration noun
the length of time that something lasts

agenda noun
a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting

majority noun
the larger number or part of something

to and fro adverb
in one direction and then in the opposite direction, a repeated number of times

vote verb
to express your choice or opinion, esp. by officially marking a paper or by raising your hand or speaking in a meeting

buffet noun
a meal where people serve themselves from a variety of types of usually cold food and often eat standing up

overdo verb
to do, use or say (something) in a way that is too extreme

pro rata
(of payments, pay increases, etc.) calculated according to a fixed rate

snack noun
a smaller than usual meal or a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, often something produced specially for this purpose

wedding reception noun
a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people

haul noun
the time taken for a journey or for something to happen