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CD-ROM - Online Customer Support

Technical Support | General Questions

Please find your question from the list below. If your question is not here please email our dedicated CD-ROM helpline. We will continue to add questions to this list.

Technical Support

Do you have a network version of the Working in English CD-ROM?
No. This is because the CD-ROM is intended for use by individual teachers rather than by classes of students. However, the Exercise Maker function allows you to create exercises that can be accessed by students across your school network.

Which versions of Windows will the disc run on?
The Working in English CD-ROM has been tested thoroughly on Windows 95, 98, NT4 (SP3 or higher), 2000 and ME. It will not run on Windows 3.X. Note that Windows NT machines in large institutions are often set up with restricted access rights for general users and that this may stop the Working in English CD-ROM from working. If you have any problems, please contact your system administrator before contacting the CD-ROM helpline.

What about other language versions of Windows?
The Working in English CD-ROM should work on all language versions of Windows.

Is there a version for Macs?
No. Only a version for PCs is available.

Does the program need a powerful new PC?
No, the CD-ROM should run on a Pentium 133 with 32MB of RAM and a 2MB graphics card. The space required on the hard drive is about 20 MB maximum (for Adobe Acrobat 4, Apple QuickTime 4, and Exercise Maker files), unless you create exercises in Exercise Maker using a lot of large graphics.

Do I really need to install Acrobat Reader and QuickTime?
If you don't install Acrobat 4 when prompted, you will not see the worksheets, tests, or audio transcripts. If you don't install Quicktime 4 when prompted you will not see the video clip in the Further Materials section.

I can't access the Teacher's website.
If you have a dial-up Internet connection, you may need to connect before running the Working in English CD-ROM. If you find that you cannot access the site, check that you can access other websites. If you can access other sites, wait a few minutes then try again. If it still does not work, contact the CD-ROM helpline.

The video clip in the Further Materials section does not play.
You have not installed QuickTime 4 correctly. Quit the Working in English CD-ROM, and then browse the CD-ROM in Windows Explorer until you find QuickTimeInstaller.Exe (in the QTCD directory). Double-click on this to run the installer, clicking 'OK' or 'Continue' where appropriate. Choose a 'minimal' installation. Then run the Working in English CD-ROM again. If the clip still doesn't work, quit again and try removing other versions of QuickTime from Start / Settings / Control Panels / Add - Remove Programs.

The worksheets, tests, and audio transcripts do not display.
You have not installed Adobe Acrobat 4 correctly. Quit the Working in English CD-ROM, browse the CD-ROM in Windows Explorer until you find rs405eng.exe. Double-click on this to run the installer, clicking 'OK' or 'Continue' where appropriate. Then run the Working in English CD-ROM again.

How do I access the audio for the tests?
The Working in English CD-ROM is technically a 'CD Extra' or 'Enhanced CD'; it includes both a CD-ROM 'session' and a CD audio 'session'. This means that you can put the disc in an ordinary audio CD player to play the audio tracks for Test 4 and the Summary Test. The clips can also be played from the CD-ROM by clicking on the headphones icon that appears in the title bar when either of these tests is displayed.

What text formats can I import into the Exercise Maker function?
You can only import a Text file; that is, a file with the extension.txt. However, if you have a text in another format (such as Word or WordPerfect, or .html webpage) it is generally quite straightforward to convert it (for instance, by opening the file in Word, then immediately saving it as a 'file of type text with line breaks (*.txt)'). Alternatively, you can select text and copy it to the clipboard in the standard Windows way, and then choose Enter / Edit Text in Exercise Maker and paste the text in.

What image formats can I import into the Exercise Maker function?
Exercise Maker supports bitmap (*.bmp), *.gif, *.jpg, and *.tif image files. Files in other formats can easily be converted using popular graphics packages such as Paint Shop Pro.

The disc does not autoplay.
The disc is set to autoplay; if it doesn't, this is almost certainly because the CD autoplay feature on your PC is turned off . To turn it on, go to Start / Settings / Control Panels / System. Click on the Device Manager tab then on the 'plus' (+) sign next to CDROM. Right-click the appropriate drive (if you have more than one) then click Properties. Click the Settings tab and select the Auto insert notification check box.

The program crashes immediately after starting, giving a 'runtime error 226' message.
Look in your Windows directory (usually C:\Windows) for a folder called 'A5W_DATA'. Delete this folder (taking care not to delete other important files). Run the Working in English CD-ROM again.

General Questions

Can I copy text from the Audio Transcripts into Exercise Maker?
Yes - this facility allows you to create interactive gapfill questions based on the transcripts. Go into the Audio Transcripts section, find the appropriate transcript, click on the Acrobat 'text select' tool, then click and drag to select the text you want to use and press Ctrl-C to copy. Now go into Exercise Maker (via the main menu) and create a new gapfill question in the usual way. Choose Text / Enter - edit text, click Paste at the bottom of the text entry area, then click OK. You're now ready to insert gaps into the transcript.

What length of text can I use to create a gapfill exercise?
The maximum allowed is 750 words. Note that texts longer than 500 words may take a while to process.

How many questions can I include in an exercise?
There is no limit to the number of questions per exercise.

How can I use images from the Photo Gallery?
Images from the Photo Gallery can be used freely in Exercise Maker exercises and in your own worksheets. Browse through images in the Photo Gallery and write down the filenames of those you wish to use. To use an image when you are creating a question in Exercise Maker, choose Graphics / Import Graphic then look for the image file on the CD-ROM in Photos / [Category] / Images. Note that there is a smaller version of every image in Photos / [Category] / Thumbnails; these thumbnail images are ideal for picture labelling questions. You can import multiple images into an individual multiple choice or gapfill question.

When should I use the tests?
The module tests are intended to be used on completion of each group of units (Person to Person, Phone Calls, etc.). The Summary Test is intended to be used at the end of the course.

How should I use the worksheets?
Print out (and photocopy if necessary) the worksheet you wish to use. Note that although the worksheets are grouped into modules, you can print out an individual worksheet if you wish. (When the Print dialogue box appears, just select the appropriate page to print.) The unit is indicated at the top of each worksheet. Depending on the activity, you might wish to use it for warm-up or for review. Some activities can be prepared and completed very quickly; others may take a complete lesson.