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Business English Vocabulary Online


Unit 11: Layout and content


signature (n)
1. your name written in your own way which is difficult for someone else to copy

subject (n)
1. what someone is writing or talking about

according to (prep)
1. as said by someone or shown by something
2. based on a particular system or plan

ship (v)

recent (adj)
1. happening or starting from a short time ago

enquiry (n)
1. a question that you ask when you want more information
2. an official process to discover the facts about something bad that has happened

regret (v)
1. to feel sorry about a situation, especially something that you wish you had not done
2. used to say that you are sorry that you have to tell someone about a situation

apology (n)
1. something you say or write to say that you are sorry about something you have done

looking forward to something (phrasal verb)