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Business English Vocabulary Online


Unit 15: In reply to your…


upgrade (v)
1. to improve something so that it is of a higher quality or a newer model
2. to raise someone or something to a higher position or rank

initially (adv)
1. at the beginning

assure (v)
1. to tell someone that something is certainly true, especially so that they do not worry
2. to make something certain to happen

current (adj)
1. happening or existing now

purchase (n)
1. when you buy something
2. something that you buy

in due course (idiom)

mailing list (n)
1. a list of names and addresses that an organization uses in order to send information to people

appreciate (v)
1. to understand how good something or someone is and be able to enjoy them
2. to feel grateful for something
3. to understand something about a situation, especially that it is complicated or difficult
4. to increase in value

customer (n)

sales department (n)

charge (v)
1. to ask someone to pay an amount of money for something, especially for an activity or a service