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Unit 36: Let me demonstrate…


turn (something) over (phrasal verb)

slide (v)

flip (v)

insert (v)
1. to put something into something else
2. to add something to the middle of a document or piece of writing

hands (n)

adjust (v)
1. to change something slightly so that it works better, fits better, or is more suitable
2. to change the way you behave or think in order to suit a new situation

cartridge (n)
1. a small container that is used in a larger piece of equipment and can be easily replaced
2. a tube containing an explosive substance and a bullet for use in a gun

screen (n)
1. the part of a television or computer which shows images or writing
2. a large, flat surface where a film or an image is shown

plug in (phrasal verb)

switch on (phrasal verb)

transparency (n)
1. a photograph or picture printed on plastic which you can see on a screen by shining a light through it

flap (n)
1. a piece of cloth or material fixed along one edge to cover or close an opening

focus (v)
1. If you focus a camera or something else that you look through, you make small changes to it until you can see something clearly.
2. If you focus your eyes, or your eyes focus, they change so that you can see clearly.

bulb (n)
1. a glass object containing a wire which produces light from electricity
2. a round root that some plants grow from

fail (v)
1. to not be successful
2. to stop working normally, or to become weaker

ATM = automated teller machine

perform (v)
1. to entertain people by acting, singing, dancing, etc
2. to do a job or a piece of work

release (v)
1. to stop holding someone or something

nozzle (n)
1. a narrow, hollow object which is fixed to a tube and which helps you to control the liquid or air that comes out

rock (v)
1. to move backwards and forwards or from side to side, or to make someone or something do this

line up (phrasal verb)

marking / mark (n)