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General Relativity

Space-Time, Relativity, and Cosmology

Space-Time, Relativity, and Cosmology

Jose Wudka, University of California, Riverside

Space-Time, Relativity and Cosmology provides a historical introduction to modern relativistic cosmology. The topics are presented in a non-mathematical manner, with the emphasis on the ideas that underlie each theory rather than their detailed quantitative consequences. The tests and experimental evidence supporting the theories are explained together with their predictions and their confirmation. This textbook is intended for introductory undergraduate courses on the foundations of modern physics, as well as non-science majors who are concerned with science issues.

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General Relativity

General Relativity
An Introduction for Physicists

M. P. Hobson, University of Cambridge
G. P. Efstathiou, University of Cambridge
A. N. Lasenby, University of Cambridge

This is a clear mathematical introduction to Einstein's theory of general relativity. It presents a wide range of applications of the theory, concentrating on its physical consequences. After reviewing the basic concepts, the authors present an intuitive discussion of the mathematical background, which is then used to develop a physical understanding of a wide range of topics in relativistic gravitation. Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this approachable textbook contains over 300 exercises to illuminate and extend the discussion in the text.

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An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology

An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology

Jerzy Plebanski, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
Andrzej Krasinski, Polish Academy of Sciences

General relativity is a cornerstone of modern physics, and is of major importance in its applications to cosmology. Plebanski and Krasinski are experts in the field and here they provide a thorough introduction to general relativity, guiding the reader through complete derivations of the most important results and covering topics not found in other textbooks. For advanced undergraduates and graduates in physics and astronomy, this textbook will enable students to develop expertise in the mathematical techniques necessary to study general relativity.

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