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Diana Hicks
Andrew Littlejohn Diana Hicks

Dr. Andrew Littlejohn , Ph.D (Lancaster), M.A., PGCE, B.A., has taught English, trained teachers and run short courses in a number of countries including the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Middle East, and elsewhere. He is three times a winner of English-Speaking Union awards for his writings in ELT methodology. He has published articles and papers in numerous journals and edited collections and is the author of many books including Company to Company, Writing 1, Writing 2, Writing 3, Writing 4, and, with Diana Hicks, Cambridge English for Schools (a five level course for young students), all published by Cambridge University Press, and co-author of Eurolingua (Clubschools, Switzerland and Cornelsen 1992/98). He is co-editor (with Professor Michael Breen) of the collection Classroom decision-making: negotiation and process syllabuses in practice (CUP, 2000), which provides practical accounts of sharing decision-making with students.  He is or has been an editorial advisor to a number of journals, including Applied Linguistics and the electronic journal TESL-EJ.  He currently teaches for the Institute of Education, University of London.

For more articles and information visit Andrew's website at:

Diana Hicks has almost 30 years experience in English language education as a teacher, teacher trainer and writer. She is now based in the UK but she has taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels in Africa, Scandinavia, France and the Middle East. She has been writing course books for Cambridge University Press for more than 25 years and is co-author (with Andrew Littlejohn) of Cambridge English for Schools - a five level course for secondary aged pupils, Cambridge English Worldwide- a six level course for secondary pupils and Primary Colours. She has also written business and commercial materials for French and Middle Eastern students. She has been running teacher training courses in the UK for Commenius teachers for five years and travels frequently around the world giving workshops and seminars on classroom methodology. She has a doctorate from Bristol University on the Critical Discourse Analysis of Teachers Guides texts. She is particularly interested in inclusive classroom tasks and an egalitarian approach to language learning and teaching.

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