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Already working successfully with hundreds of schools, this exciting project brings English alive as a real language of international communication.

What is the Parcel of English ?

The Parcel of English is a package of work which the students produce and which describes their school, their class, where they live and so on. The Parcel of English provides an active context for revision. Once the package has been produced there are a number of things which you can do with it:
  • you can exchange the package with another class in your school
  • you can exchange it with another school in your area
  • you can put it on display in your classroom
  • you can send it to another class in another country
Sending the Parcel to another country - What to do

The Parcel of English provides an ideal way to build contacts in different parts of the world, and adds an extra dimension to your Cambridge English for Schools course. It also gives you, the teacher, an opportunity for professional contact with a teacher in a different town or country who is using a Cambridge English for Schools course. To help in this, Cambridge University Press offers a registration scheme to link schools together.

Here's what to do.
  1. Complete the registration card contained in the Teacher's Book.
  2. Post the card to Cambridge University Press. From Cambridge you will receive the name and address of a class in a different country, which is also working from the same level of Cambridge English for Schools.
  3. We recommend that you contact your 'twin' class before sending your completed parcel. (NB Please do not send your parcel to Cambridge University Press.) You should similarly receive a parcel in return.

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