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A to Z of Methodology

Displaying students' work

What and why?

At the end of many tasks in CEWw, particularly the optional Activity Units and work for the PARCEL OF ENGLISH, students will have produced a large piece of work. To give them a sense of purpose about their work, it is a good idea to display it.

Practical ideas

  • Pin work up on the classroom wall for a week or so and then change it. Perhaps you can display work in the corridors, in the school hall, in the school foyer, in the canteen, in the staffroom or in other subject rooms (for cross-curricular links). (You can also ask students for display ideas.)
  • Take a photograph of the display for reference.
  • Make sure you write on the display the students' names, their class, the subject of the work and a description of the purpose of the work (in the MOTHER TONGUE, if necessary).
  • When you take the work down, the students can either keep their work in their own 'Activity file' or put it in a large scrapbook.
  • Encourage students to help you display work.
  • Display pictures as well as the writing - some students may be better at Art than English!
  • Some students may be sensitive about showing their work to others - it may be best to ask them if they want to.
  • If a display is put up in the classroom or put out on the class tables, allow time for the students to walk around to read it. One member from each group can stand by their work to explain and talk about what they have done (see also POSTERS).


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