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A to Z of Methodology


What and why?

Simulation is very closely related to the concept of ROLE PLAY. The main difference is that in a role play students are usually told who they are and what they have to say. For example, one student might be a waiter in a restaurant and the other might be a customer - their roles are clearly defined, they both know what will happen, and what they are expected to say. A simulation is much more OPEN-ENDED. Students are placed in a situation where they will have to make decisions. Normally, they can still be themselves and they can contribute the knowledge and experience they have from the outside world. The outcomes of a simulation can therefore be different every time the simulation is done. Simulations are very useful for developing the students' FLUENCY. They give the students the experience of working with language that is less controlled and to develop the skills necessary for using English outside the classroom.

Practical ideas

  • The key to a successful simulation is to ensure that everyone understands exactly what they are expected to do and what situation they are in.
  • It is normally best to avoid ERROR CORRECTION during the simulation, as this will interrupt the flow of the conversation and thought. See ROLE PLAY.
  • Before a simulation begins, it is usually a good idea to make sure that students know exactly how much time they have got.
  • After a simulation, you can spend some time discussing why they came to the decisions that they did, and whether all members of the group were happy with the decisions.
  • Students could record their simulation on audio or video cassette.


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