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A to Z of Methodology


What and why?

In general, secondary school students like singing songs particularly if they are melodic. They are a way of recycling language in a 'fun' format, they develop a natural sense of language achievement and can also bring about student involvement.

Practical ideas

  • The songs in CES are on both the class cassette and the workbook cassette. You can point this out to the students and ask them to practise a song at home.
  • You can ask the students to suggest a song that you can all sing. It is best if the song is one that they all know already so that everyone can sing. If you use songs regularly, students can take it in turns to bring in a song or decide in their groups which song they would like to sing next time.
  • It is probably best to sing the song either at the very beginning or the very end of a lesson.
  • Make sure you allow enough time - 10 minutes at least - to give students a chance to listen and then to sing together at least twice.
  • Some students may feel shy about singing, don't force them!
  • Play the song through first, if you have it recorded - make sure students can hear. If the students have the words, they can read or sing while they listen.
  • In some songs the students continue by making up words of their own.

Try to vary the presentation:

  • Sometimes half the class or different groups can sing the verses and the other half sings the chorus.
  • Sometimes half of the class sings alternate verses.
  • Perhaps an extrovert has a wonderful voice and can sing a solo!
  • Some students may have a guitar and would like to play the tune along with the music.
  • Perhaps at the end of the term/year, the students could give a concert to the rest of the school.

The best thing to do with a song is to sing it! However, there are various teaching techniques that you can use from time to time with songs:

  • Give the students the lyrics with some words missed out. The students have to listen and put in the words.
  • If the song has a chorus or verses that are repeated, you can put the students into groups and give each student one sentence from the song. While they are listening, they have to put the sentences in the right out.
  • Give them some questions about the song before they listen and sing. Afterwards, they can tell you their answers.
  • Sing all the verses except the last one. Give a choice of three verses for the last one, (you can modify/make up you own). Students have to read it and work out which one fits the tune best.



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