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Joanna Burford, 'Kelly' from The Hub

Joanna Burford

I have been a professional actress since the age of 17, when I starred in a comedy show for Nickelodeon called Laugh out Loud (2002). Although my mum would say I've been an actress since I could walk and talk! I used to want to be a presenter but discovered I had a real passion for acting in my early teens.

We filmed The Hub at the Italia Conti Arts Centre in Guildford and in various other Surrey locations. It took two weeks to film, working from about 8 am until 7 pm, which meant getting up early, but it was definitely worth it! It was great fun.

Learning the script for The Hub wasn't too difficult as it was broken down into four sections (and I have been blessed with a good memory!). The part I felt most challenging was making sure I was pronouncing all my words clearly and not slipping into 'broken English' — d'ya kno wha i mean? — whilst trying to keep my character believable!

My favourite scene is probably one of the heated discussions with Joe as we get to see a different side of Kelly. It was also great to do from an acting point of view, and Ed, who played the part of Joe, was fantastic to work with too!

I hope to continue working as an actress in the future. I am off to the New York Film Academy later this year, so watch this space!

Now read about Caroline Jeffries, EiMTV director. Caroline Jeffries