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Business English Vocabulary Online
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Business English Vocabulary Online

nibeIf you are using New International Business English for your studies - or if you just need a quick and easy reference list of key business words for your job - then this website can help you!

Click on any of the units of New International Business English which are listed below. You can print out the wordlists, or you click on individual words and link to further information on the Cambridge Dictionaries Online website.


Unit 1 Face to face

Unit 2 Letters, faxes and memos

Unit 3 On the phone

Unit 4 Summaries, notes, reports

Unit 5 Working together

Unit 6 International trade

Unit 7 Money matters

Unit 8 Dealing with problems

Unit 9 Visitors and travellers

Unit 10 Marketing

Unit 11 Meetings

Unit 12 Processes and operations

Unit 13 Jobs and careers

Unit 14 Sales and negotiation

Unit 15 Revision