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Business English Vocabulary Online


Unit 25: The first item on the agenda is…


chairperson (n)
1. someone who controls a meeting, company, or other organization

matter (n)
1. a subject or situation that you need to think about, discuss, or deal with
2. In science, matter is the physical substances that exist in the universe
3. a particular type of substance or thing

mobile phone (n)
1. a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you

copy (n)
1. something that is made to look exactly like something else
2. a single book, newspaper, etc of which many have been produced

move on (phrasal verb)

suggestion (n)
1. an idea or plan that someone suggests

conclusion (n)
1. the opinion you have after considering all the information about something
2. the final part of something
3. when something is arranged or agreed formally

due (adj)
1. expected or planned
2. Money that is due is owed to someone and must be paid.
3. Something that is due to you is something that is owed to you or something you deserve.
4. correct and suitable

definite (adj)
1. certain, fixed, and not likely to change
2. clear and obvious